Configuring the Rounding Precision for the Duration of the Proration Period

When charging or refunding a customer for an incomplete billing period, to calculate the respective prorated fees, CloudBlue Commerce rounds the duration of the proration period to its default precision of two decimal places after the decimal separator.

To increase the calculation accuracy, you can increase the rounding precision in the range from 2 to 8 decimal places after the decimal separator. To change the duration precision:

  1. In your current config.yaml, set DURATION_PRECISION to the necessary value:

  2. Prepare a deployment container.

  3. In the interactive shell of the container that you prepared, to apply the changes, run as described in this section.

    Warning: If you do not want other components to be automatically updated to the latest version, specify --component bss when running

  4. Restart the BSS component:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE_OF_YOUR_CBC_INSTALLATION rollout restart deploy -l app=bss

As a result, all new calculations in order details, delivery lines, and reseller transactions will be made with the updated precision.

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