Creating a Correction for an Invoice

1. The following privileges are required to work with the invoice correcting wizard:
2. You cannot create a correcting document for an invoice detail that has a Credit Memo applied. Select uncorrected details to create a new correcting document.

To create a correction for an invoice, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Billing Control Panel, go Finance > Documents > Invoices and click the invoice you want to correct.
  2. In the list of invoice details, select details for which you want to create a correction and click Create Correction.
  3. Correct the amount for each invoice detail in the New Extended Price field.
    • If the total new price is lower than the original, a Credit Memo will be issued. The system will apply and link the Credit Memo to the invoice automatically.
    • If the total new price is greater than original, a Debit Memo will be issued. The system will link the Debit Memo to the invoice automatically.

    Note: The tax rate for the created Credit or Debit Memo is taken from the invoice calculation.

    When finished, click Next.

  4. Confirm the correction creation:
    • Provide the correction reason (mandatory).
    • Click Finish.

    Note: The system checks whether the sum of adjustments exceeds the invoice balance. If this sum is greater than the invoice balance, the following error message is displayed: "You cannot create an adjustment greater than the invoice total amount".

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