New Offers File Requirements

A new offers file must meet the following requirements:

Format CSV
Encoding utf-8
Size 10.8 MB
Separators commas
Quote character double quotes
Escape character


This character is necessary to escape the quote character when the latter is inside a field. For example, we want to upload a file containing the “Offer Display Name” column with the “CDS for "Apps Database Capacity"” value in a line. The correct snippet of such a file will look like this:

A/C/D/U,“Offer Display Name”

ADD,“CDS for \"Apps Database Capacity\"”

Number format

A decimal number must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. A point symbol is the decimal separator, for example, 10.5.
  2. Digit group separators are not allowed, for example, 100000 cannot be represented as 100 000 or 100,000.
  3. A fractional part must consist of 2 digits maximum. For example, 10.57 is valid, while 10.571 is invalid.
First row headers
Key columns (mandatory)
  • A/C/D/U (values: “ADD”)
  • <MPN_Property> (can be a set of columns)
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