Welcome to CloudBlue Store, a one-stop source of CloudBlue products and integrations. In CloudBlue Store, you can find and explore solutions to extend your business capabilities. While core CloudBlue Commerce components such as OSS and BSS provide the foundation, CloudBlue Store will continuously offer new apps and extensions with additional functionality to suit your needs, no matter the size of your company.
What is available in CloudBlue Store?
CloudBlue Commerce components and extensions. All new CloudBlue Commerce modules will be available in CloudBlue Store as soon as they are released. Previously released components, RDE datasets, and Exchange rate plugins are offered in the Store's catalog for providers. The MarketplaceAPI and Native Integrations are offered for resellers.
An inventory of extensions and components that are already installed on your CloudBlue Commerce hub, including information about the versions of installed apps, links to relevant documentation, and the update journal.
Immediate notifications for providers about updates available for installed apps.
How to get an app from the CloudBlue Store
- Check app compatibility with the versions of the CloudBlue Commerce components already installed. This information is available on one of the main pages in the documentation for this application.
- If this is a CloudBlue Commerce component app, follow the instructions on the How to install tab on the application card.
- If this is a CloudBlue partner app, click Install now and proceed to the page of this app through the Open button that appears after the installation.
It is possible to enable the automatic installation of some apps for all resellers in the system.
Resellers can get any app available to them simply by clicking Install now.
How can service providers list their own apps in the CloudBlue Store?
As CloudBlue partners, providers can bring their own apps to the CloudBlue Store catalog, which will only be available to their Resellers or, if desired, to other CloudBlue partners. Today, this feature is only available for apps with external installation and hosting. For example, standalone business intelligence or learning management systems. For more information on publishing an external app, please contact us by email.
What’s next?
- More apps. New CloudBlue Commerce components and integrations for providers and resellers.
Better discoverability:
A quick search.
- Recommendations and a featured list.
- A list of recent updates and additions.
- Purchasing and selling apps.
- App packs. Bundling apps for a more effective channel management.
- Partner center. An opportunity to become a CloudBlue Store contributor by bringing your own apps to the CloudBlue Store catalog.
- Reputation and rating system.