Installing Fraud Screening SDK

Installation Prerequisites

Kubernetes Resource Requirements

Container CPU cores RAM in GiB
fraud-sdk 0.5 0.5

Persistent Storage Requirements

0.125 GiB

How to Deploy Fraud Screening SDK

To deploy Fraud Screening SDK:

  1. Ensure the prerequisites.
  2. Follow the common CloudBlue Commerce component deployment procedure using the Fraud Screening SDK deployment parameters below in the config.yaml.

How to Upgrade Fraud Screening SDK

To update Fraud Screening SDK, follow the common CloudBlue Commerce component update procedure using the Fraud Screening SDK deployment parameters below in the config.yaml.

Fraud Screening SDK Deployment Parameters

When installing or updatingFraud Screening SDK, use the parameters below in config.yaml.

Component Name


Common Parameters

Parameter Default value
resources.requests.cpu 100m
resources.requests.memory 256Mi
resources.limits.cpu 500m
resources.limits.memory 512Mi

Specific Parameters

Parameter Default value Description
storage.size 128Mi The size of the volume to store custom fraud plugins.

Sample config.yaml

Default config.yaml:

  fraud-sdk: {}

Full config.yaml:

    registrysecret: a8n-docker-registry
      enabled: true
      class: default
      size: 128Mi
    enable_samples: true
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 512Mi
      type: ClusterIP
      annotations: {}
      port: 9456
      secret: fraud-sdk-db

How to Obtain the Current config.yaml from CloudBlue Commerce

When updating CloudBlue Commerce components, you may need to obtain the current config.yaml.

To obtain the current config.yaml from CloudBlue Commerce, on a machine with kubectl, execute the following request:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE get secret config-yaml-backup -o "jsonpath={.data['config\.yaml']}" | base64 -d

Note: NAMESPACE is the namespace of your CloudBlue Commerce installation.
To find it, execute the following command:
kubectl describe svc oss-proxy | grep namespace

How to View the Deployment Parameters with Default Values for the Component Version You Want to Install (values.yaml)

To view the deployment parameters with default values (values.yaml) for the component version you want to install, run the following command from the machine with kubectl:

helm show values <component_name_for_config.yaml> --version <component_version> --username <username_for_deployment_repository> --password <username_for_deployment_repository> --repo <a_link_to_repository_with_CloudBlue Commerce_components>

For username and password to the deployment repository, please contact your Technical Account Manager.

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