Native Integrations 2.x Deployment Parameters

Note: For Native Integrations 3.x and later deployment parameters, please go to Native Integrations 3.x Deployment Parameters.

For Native Integrations 2.x, use the following parameters during deployment or upgrade:

Parameter Default value Description Comments

The database encryption key.

Note: It must be passed to Helm CLI as base64-encoded.

This is a random string at least eight characters long. Generate it prior to the installation and store securely.
dshost dbhost The database server hostname.

These values are provided by the engineer who created this database. Refer to Preparing the Native Integration Service Database.

dsport 5432 The database server port.
dsdbname dbname The database name.
dslogin dbuser The database user log-in name.
dspassword dbpass

The database user password.

Note: It must be passed to Helm CLI as base64-encoded.

jdbcconnectionparams ?sslmode=require&ApplicationName=psa-integration JDBC connection parameters.
oauthkey   The OAuth key of the L0 staff member. This value is provided by the engineer who created this staff member. Refer to APS API Access Requirements.
oauthsecret   The OAuth secret of the L0 staff member.
devmode.enabled false The development mode flag. Use the default value.
resources.limits.memory 1280Mi The memory limit for the back-end pod. Use the default value unless facing issues under heavy load. In that case, tune together with "javaopts".
javaopts -XX:MetaspaceSize=96m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:InitialRAMPercentage=30.0 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70.0 JVM options for the back-end pod. Use the default value unless facing issues under heavy load. In that case. tune together with "resources.limits.memory".
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