Plugin Installation

Installing a plugin is a process of copying the plug-in folder to the running payment-sdk microservice. In the production environment, the plugin must be copied to the /custom folder that is the mount point of the payment-sdk volume. However, during development, it may be copied to the /var/www/pa-payment-sdk folder.

Installing during Development

The following command shows how to copy the plug-in folder from the local file system to the /var/www/pa-payment-sdk folder on the payment-sdk Pod running on the <NAMESPACE> namespace in the configured Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> cp <PLUGIN_FOLDER> <PAYMENT_SDK_POD_NAME>:/var/www/pa-payment-sdk

Important: Be aware that any plugin copied to this folder will be lost when the Pod is restarted or evicted.

Installing in the Production Environment

The following command shows how to copy the plug-in folder from the local file system to the /custom folder on the payment-sdk Pod running on the <NAMESPACE> namespace in the configured Kubernetes cluster:


Even though the plugin is copied into the payment-sdk Pod, it does not mean that it is available right away. Therefore, it is Mandatory to restart the Pod to have it available.

The following command must be executed to restart the payment-sdk Pod:

kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> rollout restart deployment payment-sdk

Important: Do not copy a plugin to the /var/www/pa-payment-sdk folder in the production environment. Pods are ephemeral entities in Kubernetes. Due to the fact that the /var/www/pa-payment-sdk folder is not associated with a Kubernetes volume, any plugin added directly to this folder will be lost when the Pod is restarted or evicted.

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