Shifting Existing Service Plans and Subscriptions to Rating Engine
Important: If, after upgrading CloudBlue Commerce to version 21.0, you want to use features delivered by Rating Engine with your existing service plans and subscriptions, this procedure is a mandatory post-upgrade step.
The capability to shift existing service plans and subscriptions to Rating Engine is available to providers out-of-the-box and to resellers when access is granted by their provider. To access the functionality:
- Provider: users must have the Application rating-engine: Rating Migration Configuration privilege.
- Reseller: access must be granted to the reseller's admin user by the Provider and other reseller's users must have the Application rating-engine: Rating Migration Configuration privilege.
You can only shift subscriptions that have at least 1 unit of additional resource. If you have subscriptions with no additional resources which you want to shift to Rating Engine, convert them as described in this article before you proceed with this instruction.
Allowing Access to the Functionality for Resellers
To allow access to the Shift to Rating Engine tab to your resellers:
- Log in to the classic Provider Control Panel (Operations). Go to Services > Applications. Switch to the APS Instances tab.
- In the Package column, click rating-engine. Click the necessary rating-engine instance.
- In the Access to the 'Shift to Rating Engine' Tool tab, click Allow Access, choose the necessary reseller account, and click Allow Access.
As a result, the Shift to Rating Engine tab will be available to the reseller's admin user in UX1 for Resellers.
How a Provider or a Reseller can Shift Existing Service Plans and Subscriptions to Rating Engine
To enable Rating Engine for existing subscriptions after upgrading CloudBlue Commerce to version 21.0:
Step 1: Prepare to shift existing service plans and subscriptions to Rating Engine.
Step 2: To avoid errors during the shifting, simulate the shifting by using dry run mode.
Note: Depending on the number of subscriptions, both dry run and actual shifting may take a long time. To save time, you can dry run only subscriptions to selected service plans and retry dry run only on the failed attempts after applying fixes.
- Step 3: Shift existing service plans and subscriptions to Rating Engine.
Step 1: Prepare to Shift Existing Service Plans and Subscriptions to Rating Engine
Go to UX1 for Providers or UX1 for Resellers. Switch to the Shift to Rating Engine tab. Access to this tab is privilege-based.
Important: Subscriptions are grouped by service plan and can be shifted to Rating Engine per service plan only. The result of shifting subscriptions to a service plan is successful only when all the subscriptions are shifted successfully.
Make sure that all the necessary service plans are listed. For convenience, use filtered search. The service plans list contains all service plans from all your distribution chain:
- Your own service plans
- Service plans delegated to your resellers
- Service plans owned by your resellers and their subresellers
- Service plans delegated by your resellers to their subresellers
- Check subscriptions per service plan. Make sure that all the necessary subscriptions are listed.
Make sure that all subscriptions can be shifted: If there are subscriptions that were switched from another service plan, make sure that the source service plan is already shifted to Rating Engine. If it is not, shift it first.
Support Information:
When shifting subscriptions that were switched to another service plan without changing the start date of subscription (New Subscription Period Start Date = Start Date of Current Subscription Period), for example, when a subscription is switched from trial to paid through auto-renewal, Rating Engine requests the rating mode value of the source service plan. If the source service plan is not yet shifted to Rating Engine, an error occurs and the target service plan cannot be shifted to Rating Engine.
Grant access to the functionality to your resellers and coordinate the process with them.
Step 2: Simulate the Shifting: Dry Run Mode
To troubleshoot possible errors before the actual shifting, use dry run mode:
- Dry run is mandatory.
- You can shift to Rating Engine only service plans for which there are subscriptions that passed dry run successfully. Subscriptions that failed dry run, are skipped during the service plan shifting. If none of the subscriptions to a service plan passed dry run successfully, the service plan cannot be shifted to Rating Engine.
- You can shift to Rating Engine only subscriptions that passed dry run successfully.
- You can also dry run service plans with Shift Status values Failed or Completed Partially to test the fixes you may apply. However, dry run cannot be launched simultaneously for service plans with Shift Status values Failed and Not Started, or for service plans with Shift Status values Completed Partially and Not Started. For such service plans, dry run must be launched separately. This is because service plans with Shift Status values Failed and Completed Partially have Rating Mode set permanently, whereas for service plans with Shift Status value Not Started, Rating Mode can be changed during dry run.
In the Shift to Rating Engine tab, choose the necessary service plans:
- To dry run particular service plans, find them and select the corresponding checkboxes on the screen.
- To dry run all service plans that satisfy particular criteria, filter service plans by those criteria.
- To dry run all service plans, reset the search filters.
Click one of these two buttons:
- DRY RUN SELECTED: Simulate the shifting only for all subscriptions to the service plans you selected.
- DRY RUN ALL: Simulate the shifting for all subscriptions to all the filtered service plans or to all service plans if no filtering was used.
In the pop-up window, set Rating Mode for the selected service plans:
- When you use SHIFT ALL or SHIFT SELECTED, the rating mode value is taken from the last dry run and is set permanently for the service plan, even if none of the subscriptions are shifted successfully. If you select several service plans during the shifting, each of them will be permanently assigned the rating mode of its last dry run. The permanent rating mode is displayed in the Rating Mode column.
- When you use DRY RUN ALL or DRY RUN SELECTED, rating mode is not saved permanently and can be changed for the selected service plans during subsequent dry run or shift attempts. If you select several service plans during dry run, the same rating mode is assigned to all of them temporarily. The temporary rating mode is displayed in the Dry Run Rating Mode column.
- Shift attempts are irreversible. Once you shift a service plan to Rating Engine, you cannot reverse the shifting.Revenue Only: Only provider and reseller revenue is calculated for the service, as well as the extended price for the customer. Provider costs are not calculated.
If a dry run attempt fails for subscriptions to a service plan (Dry Run Status is Failed):
- Click the failed service plan record.
- In the Dry Run Report column, click See Report for the failed subscriptions. Study the errors and make the necessary changes to the failed subscriptions.
- Return to the service plan subscriptions view. To save time, click RETRY FAILED. After the retry attempt is over, repeat the troubleshooting process as necessary.
Step 3: Shift Existing Service Plans and Subscriptions to Rating Engine
After you perform the mandatory dry run, you can shift existing service plans and subscriptions to Rating Engine:
- You can shift to Rating Engine only service plans for which there are subscriptions that passed dry run successfully. Subscriptions that failed dry run, are skipped during the service plan shifting. If none of the subscriptions to a service plan passed dry run successfully, the service plan cannot be shifted to Rating Engine.
- You can shift to Rating Engine only subscriptions that passed dry run successfully.
- You can also dry run service plans with Shift Status values Failed or Completed Partially to test the fixes you may apply. However, dry run cannot be launched simultaneously for service plans with Shift Status values Failed and Not Started, or for service plans with Shift Status values Completed Partially and Not Started. For such service plans, dry run must be launched separately. This is because service plans with Shift Status values Failed and Completed Partially have Rating Mode set permanently, whereas for service plans with Shift Status value Not Started, Rating Mode can be changed during dry run.
In the Shift to Rating Engine tab, choose the necessary service plans:
Note: If among the chosen service plans there are those that failed dry run, they will be skipped during the shifting.
- To mass shift all service plans that you chose for the latest dry run, do not reset the search filters after the dry run.
- To shift all service plans that satisfy particular criteria, filter service plans by those criteria.
- To shift particular service plans, find them and select the corresponding checkboxes on the screen.
- To shift all service plans, reset the search filters.
Click one of these two buttons:
Important: During the shifting of the chosen service plans to Rating Engine, for each service plan, Rating Mode will be set permanently to the value used during the last dry run for that service plan.
- SHIFT SELECTED: Shift only subscriptions to the service plans you selected.
- SHIFT ALL: Shift all the filtered service plans and subscriptions or all the listed service plans and subscriptions if no filtering was used.
If a shift attempt fails for some subscriptions, the corresponding service plan receives the Completed Partially status. For troubleshooting:
- Click the failed service plan record.
- In the Shift Report column, click See Report for the failed subscriptions. Study the errors and make the necessary changes to the failed subscriptions. If necessary, simulate the shifting by using dry run mode.
Troubleshooting Subscriptions That Failed to Dry Run or Shift to Rating Engine
- Troubleshooting subscriptions that fail to dry run.
- Troubleshooting subscriptions that fail to shift to Rating Engine.