Upgrading SimpleAPI from 1.6 or Earlier to 1.7.1008 or Later

To upgrade SimpleAPI to version 1.7.1008 or later version, you need to perform additional steps described in this section.

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret using, for example, the following command:

    kubectl -n <your_namespace> create secret generic <db_secret_name> --from-literal=dbname=<database_name> --from-literal=host=<database_host> --from-literal=password=<database_password> --from-literal=username=<database_username>
  2. Remove the following SimpleAPI database parameters from the config.yaml file:

    • dshost
    • dsdbname
    • dslogin
    • dspassword
  3. Add the following parameters to the config.yaml file:

    • reports.enabled: true
    • reports.db_secret: <db_secret_name>
  4. After that, upgrade SimpleAPI using generic upgrade instructions from the Upgrading Components section.
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