Usage Collector Release Notes

The release notes are listed in descending order.

Usage Collector Release 1.11.1421


  • CBPFR-693 Price management for PAYG products was moved under Portfolio > PAYG Margins & Markups.


  • OSS 21.18 or later

  • BSS 21.18 or later

  • Rating Engine 1.25.3525 or later

  • Order Management1.15.672 or later

  • Rating Orchestrator1.2.102 or later

Usage Collector Release 1.10.1310

This release includes internal component improvements only.


  • OSS 21.14 or later

  • BSS 21.14 or later

  • Rating Engine 1.25.3525 or later

  • Order Management1.15.672 or later

  • Rating Orchestrator1.2.102 or later

Usage Collector Release 1.10.1278


  • VRD-395 It was possible to re-upload failed reports without canceling their processing.


  • Rating Engine 1.24 or later.

Usage Collector Release 1.9.1230

This release brings the following fixes:

  • VRD-259 Usage report import could get stuck if there was no storage space for usage reports.

  • VRD-298 Usage report processing could fail with an error: Unable to find a resource to attach usage to.

Usage Collector Release 1.8.1194

This release brings the following fixes:

  • OA-32608 After the upgrade of core components to version 21.8, uploading usage from Connect could fail.

Usage Collector Release 1.8.1183

This release brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Guiding of reports will be performed asynchronously. The new periodic task Usage Collector has been introduced. This task validates uploaded usage reports and guides them.

Usage Collector Release 1.7.1162

This release brings the following improvements and fixes:

  • Migration procedure from Vendor-rated Data Manager to Usage Collector was improved.

  • As of this version, PostgreSQL 13 can now be used for the database of this component.

  • VRD-242 QT usage report from Connect could not be imported.

Usage Collector Release 1.6.1148

This release brings the following changes and improvements:

  • VRD-234 Sometimes, the "Transfer rated data to BSS Rating for APS application instance" periodic task failed.

  • VRD-190 Usage reports without records could not be processed.

  • VRD-198 APS requests with the specified "source" field failed.

  • A number of security improvements have been implemented.

Usage Collector Release 1.5.1132

This release brings the following changes and improvements:

  • Different subscriptions from different services with the same vendor subscription ID are now correctly processed in CloudBlue Commerce.

The following issues were fixed:

  • VRD-138 A report that did not contain records caused the NPO error during upload.
  • VRD-187 Usage Collector returned the 200 OK error instead of 500 Internal Server Error if the report import failed.
  • VRD-185 The usage report template had the incorrect date format.
  • VRD-200 Order details in Billing Order were duplicated if the usage record contained two or more attributes.

Usage Collector Release 1.4.1120

This release brings the following changes and improvements:

The following issues were fixed:

  • VRD-159 Vulnerabilities were found in third-party library versions used by Usage Collector.
  • VRD-143 It was impossible to reimport a canceled usage report.
  • VRD-139 Reports sometimes got stuck in the Validating status.
  • VRD-144 An error occurred when uploading a usage report with the empty report_note field.

Usage Collector Release 1.4.1110

The following issues were fixed:

  • VRD-83 Unclear error message when processing imported usage reports.
  • VRD-90 When uploading large usage reports, the user was not notified that the report file was successfully uploaded and data processing started.
  • VRD-101 Could not process a usage report with a record in which the value of the vendorSubscriptionId parameter had a blank space.
  • VRD-115, VRD-121 Vulnerabilities were found in third-party library versions used by Usage Collector.
  • VRD-119 The Price Management menu icon was not visible when skins with dark background colors were applied.

Usage Collector Release 1.4

CloudBlue Commerce is an e-commerce solution that consists of a variable set of components based on micro-service architecture.

Usage Collector is microservice with its own release cycle and is required for CloudBlue Commerce PAYG solutions.

To be a fully functional solution for usage-based services, your CloudBlue Commerce installation must include the following components:

Usage Collector is a component which:

  • Automates data collection and validation for PAYG services.
  • Ensures auditability by storing the images of the received reports.
  • Provides the user interface in UX1 for Providers:
    • to manage sales margins and markups.
    • to manage usage report import including manual upload.

In this release, Usage Collector is used as a part of the first CloudBlue Commerce solution for usage-based services that consists entirely of components based on microservice architecture.

This is the first Usage Collector release.

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