The following table helps you in the selection of widgets for various control panels used in the platform.
Category |
User Panel |
Description |
CP |
A separate active visual block containing ActiveItem and other widgets |
CP |
Used as a child in an ActiveList and contains other widgets |
CP, UX1 |
Used to activate an operation through a handler |
CP, UX1 |
Allows a user to select an option |
CP, UX1 |
Helps a user to find the required option by dynamically presenting a list of items matching the partially entered string |
CP, UX1 |
Contains other widgets and can be added to other container types |
CP, UX1 |
Allows a user to type or choose a date from a calendar widget |
CP, UX1 |
Contains other widgets with their labels
Note: in UX1, labels of widgets are displayed even without inclusion into a FieldSet
CP, UX1 |
Displays a level of a resource usage |
CP, UX1 |
Contains an integrated toolbar, a search engine, and a table |
CP, UX1 |
Displays a horizontal line |
CP |
A container inside an ActiveItem |
CP, UX1 |
Contains the definition of a Grid and an ActiveList (CP) or a Tiles (UX1), but displays only one of them depending on the selection |
CP, UX1 |
Is a child of a MessageList and displays a message of a specified type on the screen |
CP, UX1 |
Is a child of the PageContainer and contains Message widgets |
CP, UX1 |
Allows the selection of one or more items from the list displayed on the screen |
CP, UX1 |
Prints out a content on the screen |
CP, UX1 |
The parent of all other widgets on a page |
UX1 |
A separate active visual block containing other widgets |
CP, UX1 |
Provides a protected way to enter a password and evaluate its strength |
UX1 |
Displays a resource property as a pie-diagram |
UX1 |
Modification of Tile used to display a resource property as a pie-diagram |
CP |
Displays a progress for an input value proportionally to a specified maximum value |
CP, UX1 |
Can be grouped with other RadioButton widgets to allow a user to select only one option from alternatives |
CP, UX1 |
Provides a drop-down list of items and allows a user to select one of them |
CP, UX1 |
A flexible form for inputting a number by typing it in the text box or by moving the slider |
CP, UX1 |
A flexible form for inputting a number by typing it in the text box or by pressing the UP or DOWN keys |
UX1 |
Displays an object’s status using a predefined value |
CP, UX1 |
In the UX1, it is used as a child in a container or grid column to switch and display its status. In the PCP/CP, it is used only inside ActiveItem containers. |
CP, UX1 |
Allows a user to enter a text |
CP, UX1 |
Allows a user to enter a text and provides flexible ways of text verification |
UX1 |
It is a child of a Tiles container and contains special visual objects and controls, as well as other widgets |
UX1 |
CP, UX1 |
A set of buttons that can be a part of a Grid or stand alone |
CP |
Displays a button in a Toolbar |
CP |
Contains a list of ToolsItem widgets, enabling switching to a required tool |
CP |
Allows a user to open a tool presented with its own icon, name, description, and other properties |
CP, UX1 |
Pop-up text with a description of the widget that a user hovers over |
UX1 |
Used to display a resource usage |
CP, UX1 |
A flexible tool for creating multiple widgets synced with a model |
CP |
Contains a set of ordered steps required in a certain process |