Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

Sending Notification to be displayed in CCP

This example shows how to send control panel notifications from the application backend through the notification manager as described in the notification concepts.

     $notification = new \APS\Notification;
     $notification->message = new \APS\NotificationMessage("VPS Creation");
     $notification->details = new \APS\NotificationMessage(
     "VPS __name__ is provisioned",
     array("name" => $this->name)
     $notification->accountId = $accountId;
     $notification->status = \APS\Notification::ACTIVITY_READY;
     $notification->packageId = $this->aps->package->id;
     $notification->link = new \APS\NotificationLink(
     "/v/aps/samples/async1pn/servers/",                      // Main link
     "/v/aps/samples/async1pn/server-edit/r/".$this->aps->id, // Link more
     "View or edit VPS"                                       // Link more text

     // Send the notification
     $notificationResponse = $notificationManager->sendNotification($notification);

     // Store the notification ID as the VPS property to update or remove it in other operations
     $this->notificationId = $notificationResponse->id;