Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019


This section provides details on different operations over resources in the APS infrastructure.

Resources are fundamental objects operated by the APS controller, APS applications, and UI scripts. Every resource managed by the APS controller is based on a certain APS type. The APS controller keeps track of resources, types, and applications that manage those resources. Resources are represented by JSON structures. Resources may be linked with each other following the constraints and requirements defined by Relationship.

Resource collection allows the following operations:

Methods of this collection are presented in the table.

Method Path Description
POST /aps/2/resources Provision a resource
GET /aps/2/resources Get a list of resources
GET /aps/2/resources/{resource-id} Get resource properties
PUT /aps/2/resources/{resource-id} Configure a resource
DELETE /aps/2/resources/{resource-id} Unprovision a resource
POST /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/{relation} Link resources
POST /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/{relation} Provision resource through required link
GET /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/aps/links Get linked resources
GET /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/{relation} Get linked resources
GET /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/{relation}/{resource-id2} Get properties of a linked resource
DELETE /aps/2/resources/{resource-id1}/{relation}/{resource-id2} Unlink resources
POST /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/{relation} + Relink resources
<any> /aps/2/resources/{resource-id}/… Custom operation

In the next sections, you will find explanations of resource statuses, standard CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations with resources and their links, as well as custom operations.