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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

PHP Environment

The PHP environment APS type is designed to run applications written in the PHP programming language.

This environment performs a scenario typical for a web application:

  1. Extracts an application to the environment directory (note that the directory must be used exclusively by the environment).
  2. Sets up a virtual site (or directory) on the web server that will serve the environment. URL mapping must match the Type Definition interface definition for the application.
  3. Ensures backend security on the virtual site.

In this document:

PHP Environment Interface

The PHP environment is an environment with an installed PHP interpreter, based on the Base Environment. Applications that are compatible with this environment declare an URL Mapping element within their APP-META.xml.

The PHP Environment type schema (download):

    "apsVersion": "2.0",

    "name": "PhpEnvironment",

    "id": "",
    "implements": [ "" ],

    "properties": {
       "php": {
          "type": "Php"
    "structures": {
      "Php": {
        "type": "object",

        "properties": {

          "version":          { "type": "string", "required": false },
          "extensions":       { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },

          "allowUrlFopen":    { "type": "boolean" },
          "fileUploads":      { "type": "boolean" },
          "safeMode":         { "type": "boolean" },
          "shortOpenTag":     { "type": "boolean" },
          "registerGlobals":  { "type": "boolean" },
          "magicQuotesGpc":   { "type": "boolean" },

          "memoryLimit":      { "type": "integer" },
          "maxExecutionTime": { "type": "integer" },
          "postMaxSize":      { "type": "integer" }

When a PHP interpreter is available in the environment, a list of engines of the environment should have a ‘php’ element.

PHP Version

The resource property version defines the full version of a php interpreter.

"php": {
   "version": "5.4.1"

PHP Extensions

The resource array property extension defines all available php extensions.

"php": {
   "extentions": [ "curl", "Zend Optimizer", "ionCube Loader" ]

PHP Settings

"php": {
   "allowUrlFopen": true

They define states of the following php interpreter options:

Setting name Corresponding PHP option
allowUrlFopen allow_url_fopen
fileUploads file_uploads
safeMode safe_mode
shortOpenTag short_open_tag
registerGlobals register_globals
magicQuotesGpc magic_quotes_gpc

Please refer to the PHP documentation for the details on each parameter.

PHP Limits

"php": {
   "memoryLimit": 16777216

PHP Limits are declared in the following fields of the configuration structure:

Setting name Corresponding PHP option
memoryLimit memory_limit in bytes.
maxExecutionTime max_execution_time in seconds.
postMaxSize post_max_size in bytes.

Please refer to the PHP documentation for the details on each parameter.