Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

General Definitions

Structure of Type Definition

APS schema consists of the following sections:


General Section

An APS type definition contains the general section followed by the other four sections as presented in the following example:

   "apsVersion": "2.0",

   "name": "Mailbox",

   "id": "",
   "implements": [

   "properties"  : { "..." },
   "operations": { "..." },
   "relations": { "..." },
   "structures": { "..." }

The general section contains the following attributes:

Attribute Required? Overview
apsVersion Yes The minimal version of the APS API required by the type
id Yes Fully-qualified APS Type ID
name Yes “Friendly” name of the type
implements Yes List of the APS types that are implemented (inherited) by this APS type (interface inheritance)
access - Permissions to resources for APS roles


The apsVersion element declares the minimal APS API version the APS type was written for. This field is mandatory in any APS type definition.


The id element defines a fully-qualified unique APS type ID in the http://basename/major[.minor] format. Examples:

Please refer to APS Type ID for more details.


The name element is required for code generation and documentation purposes. It will also be used to give a name to the top-level structure representing a resource instance. Basically, this is a “friendly” name that is not visible anywhere outside of the type definition file and cannot be used to refer to the type in other type definitions.


As with all other names, the following naming pattern should be matched: ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$. Pay attention that it must be a single word, no spaces allowed.


The implements array contains a list of APS Type ID. Each APS type that can be instantiated by an APS controller must implement at least the or type.

See also

Type Inheritance section for more details.


The access attribute can control access to resources, properties and operations for APS roles as described in the Access Attributes section.

When used in the general section of the type definition, the access attribute defines permissions to all resources instantiated from the type.

access allows or disallows an actor to access a resource when that actor is either reading the resource, changing the resource, or calling an operation of the resource. By default, the access is defined as:

"access": {
   "admin": true,
   "owner": true,
   "referrer": false,
   "public": false

In the following example, a user related with a resource will be able to operate the resource as a whole object:

   "apsVersion": "2.0",
   "name": "Mailbox",
   "id": "",
   "implements": [
   "access": { "referrer": true }