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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019


Button for a toolbar.

This widget should be used ONLY in an ``aps/Toolbar``. Find an example in aps/Toolbar.


Using the aps/ToolbarButton widget, you can display a toolbar button that contains the same properties and methods as the aps/Button widget.

Since all properties are the same as in aps/Button, below are just few examples for the aps/ToolbarButton. Examples of aps/Toolbar are presented later.

Button Label and Icon

To assign a label and an icon to a button, use the following properties:

  • label (preferable) or title - defines a text displayed on the button. Use only one of them.

  • iconClass or iconName - defines an icon for the button:

    • iconClass specifies a CSS class

      RUN DEMO

      require(["aps/Toolbar", "aps/ToolbarButton", "aps/PageContainer", "aps/ready!"],
        function(Toolbar, ToolbarButton, PageContainer){
          "use strict";
          var page = new PageContainer({}, "example");
          var toolbar = new Toolbar({});
          toolbar.addChild(new ToolbarButton({
            label:      "Add New Server",
            iconClass:  "sb-add-new-server"
    • iconName specifies a path to the icon file

On Click Handler

You can add an on-click handler for a button by defining the onClick property:


require(["aps/Toolbar", "aps/ToolbarButton", "aps/PageContainer", "aps/ready!"],
  function(Toolbar, ToolbarButton, PageContainer){
    "use strict";

    var page = new PageContainer({}, "example");
    var toolbar = new Toolbar();

    toolbar.addChild(new ToolbarButton({
      label:      "Add New Server",
      iconClass:  "sb-add-new-server",
      onClick: function(){



After creating a button, irrespective of the way it was declared, you can specify an on-click handler at any time you like by using the on method with a value of the first argument set to “click”. You can get a button object with help of a dijit/registry object as explained at Base Properties and Methods.


], function(Toolbar, ToolbarButton, registry, PageContainer){
  "use strict";

  var page = new PageContainer({}, "example");

  var toolbar = new Toolbar();

  toolbar.addChild(new ToolbarButton({
    id:         "AddNewServer",
    label:      "Add New Server",
    iconClass:  "sb-add-new-server"



  registry.byId("AddNewServer").on("click", function(e) {

Public Properties

autoBusy boolean true If true than a button will be disabled after a click.
busyLabel string Please wait Text displayed while a button is disabled.
disabled boolean false Specifies if the widget will respond to user input.
gridSize string undefined This specifies the widget width that is relevant only for widgets inside Container, FieldSet, or Tiles.
hideFor string “” It is a string containing “md” (hides the property in desktops), or “xs” (hides it in mobiles), or both “md xs” (hides the property regardless of the mode).
iconClass string “” Class to apply to the DOMNode in a button to make it display an icon.
iconName string “” Icon source - address to an icon file.
isBusy boolean false If the widget is busy then this property is true.
label string “” Text on the button.
requireItems boolean false If “true” the button will be enabled only if ONE or MORE items in the aps/Grid is selected.
requireSingleItem boolean false If “true” the button will be enabled only if ONE item in the aps/Grid is selected.
timeout number 0 If exists, then it will call the cancel() method to enable the button after a period of time specified by this property.
title string “” Text on the button.
visible boolean true If this property value is set to true, then the widget is visible.

autoBusy boolean

If true than a button will be disabled after a click. Default value: true.

busyLabel string

Text displayed while a button is disabled. Default value: “Please wait” (PCP / CCP v1) or “Loading” (CCP v2).

disabled boolean

Specifies if the widget will respond to user input.

Default value: false.

gridSize string

This specifies the widget width that is relevant only for widgets inside Container, FieldSet, or Tiles. In other cases it will be ignored.

gridSize string contains few options with number values (from 1 to 12) separated by spaces, which specify the grid size of the widget in different layouts:

- md - desktop

- xs - phone

For example, gridSize: “md-4 xs-2”.

All values below 1, e.g. “md-0”, will be replaced with the empty string (“”), values above 12, e.g. “md-14”, will be reduced to 12 (“md-12”).

Default value: undefined.

hideFor string

It is a string containing “md” (hides the property in desktops), or “xs” (hides it in mobiles), or both “md xs” (hides the property regardless of the mode). Default value: “”.

iconClass string

Class to apply to the DOMNode in a button to make it display an icon. Default value: “”.

iconName string

Icon source - address to an icon file. Deprecated in CCP v2 and replaced with iconClass. it has no effect without the label or title property. Default value: “”.

isBusy boolean

If the widget is busy then this property is true.

Default value: false.

label string

Text on the button. You shouldn’t use both together. The preferred equivalent for the “title” property. Default value: “”.

requireItems boolean

If “true” the button will be enabled only if ONE or MORE items in the aps/Grid is selected. Default value: false.

requireSingleItem boolean

If “true” the button will be enabled only if ONE item in the aps/Grid is selected. This property has a priority on requireItems property. Default value: false.

timeout number

If exists, then it will call the cancel() method to enable the button after a period of time specified by this property. Default value: 0.

title string

Text on the button. Equivalent for the “title” property. You shouldn’t use both together. We recommended using the “label” property. Default value: “”.

visible boolean

If this property value is set to true, then the widget is visible.

Default value: true.

Public Methods

cancel ()
Switches the button back to the enabled state
destroy ()
Destroys the button
get ()
Get a property of the Stateful instance
getParents ()
Discover and return all parents of the widget
makeBusy ()
Does a transition between the ‘ready to handle user event’ (isBusy: false) state and the ‘busy’ (isBusy: true) state
placeAt ()
Place this widget somewhere in the DOM based on standard dojo/dom-construct::place() conventions
resetTimeout (timeout)
Resets existing timeout and sets a new timeout
set ()
Set a property of the Stateful instance
setLabel (val)
startup ()
Processing after the DOM fragment is added to the document


Switches the button back to the enabled state. To prevent double submission by a user, aps.Button is switched to the disabled state automatically each time after the user clicks. To switch the button back to the enabled state, call the cancel() method in your onClick handler. Functionality is almost the same as dojox/form/BusyButton.

Return: undefined


Destroys the button.

Return: undefined


Get a property of the Stateful instance. Get a named property of the Stateful object. The property may potentially be retrieved via a getter method in subclasses.

In the base class, this just retrieves the object’s property.

Return: any


Discover and return all parents of the widget.

Return: array


Does a transition between the ‘ready to handle user event’ (isBusy: false) state and the ‘busy’ (isBusy: true) state. Also disables the button (disabled:true).

Return: aps.button function


Place this widget somewhere in the DOM based on standard dojo/dom-construct::place() conventions. A convenience function providing a simple shorthand mechanism to put an existing (or newly created) widget somewhere in the DOM, and allow chaining.

Return: dijit/_widgetbase function


Resets existing timeout and sets a new timeout.

Return: undefined

Time in millisecondsю


Set a property of the Stateful instance. Sets named properties of the stateful object and notifies the watchers of the property. A programmatic setter may be defined in subclasses.

Return: object function


Deprecated. Use set() instead.

Return: undefined

The label of the button.


Processing after the DOM fragment is added to the document. Called after a widget and its children have been created and added to the page and all related widgets have finished their creation cycle, that is after the postCreate() function is successfully completed for each of the related widgets. Note that startup() may be called while the widget is still hidden.

Return: undefined

Public Events

onClick ()
The method is called when a user clicks on the widget


The method is called when a user clicks on the widget.