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Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019


Creates popup window to change a password.

The popup window allows a user to change password. Since it returns a promise, use the ``then(function(response){})`` method to process the response.

Return: dojo/deferred

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There are some types of resources, for example, users or servers, that require a password. A customer or end user need to change a password in some specific cases or periodically. The aps/changePassword is a method that creates a pop-up window to change a password.


To use the method in a JavaScript code, add the respective module to the define list and the main callback function. The method accepts an object containing up to 3 input parameters (all are optional), returns a dojo/Deferred promise, and creates a popup interaction window. After a user completes entering a password in the embedded aps/Password widget, the promise is resolved and the method passes the changed password to the callback function.

   ], function(..., changePassword) {
      var resourcePassword;
      changePassword({  // All inputs are optional
         resourceName: <String>,
         description: <String>,
         passwordProperties: { <properties of the aps/Password widget> }
      }).then(function(newPassword) {
         resourcePassword = newPassword;
resourceName String “” Adds the resource name to the title of the popup. If a resource name is assigned, for example “VPS-1”, the title will contain it, for example: “Change Password for VPS-1”. Otherwise, the title will be “Change Password”.
description String “” Adds description below the title.
passwordProperties Object {“disabled”: false, “required”: true} A list of aps/Password properties. The default values specified above cannot be changed.

