In BSS, service plans are the products for sale presented in the online store and the customer control panel (CCP).
They require some billing settings preliminary configured. That is why, the default
on the wizard data may contain two sections, one for billing settings and the other for the service plans.
In this document:
The billing
named list allows creating the billing components explained in the Product in BSS section.
The following structure presents all three categories.
"billing": {
"planCategory": {
"id": <ID unique in the current wizard data>,
"name": <Default name of the plan category>,
"description": <Default description of the plan category>
"salesCategory": {
"id": <ID unique in the current wizard data>,
"name": <Default name of the sales category>,
"description": <Default description of the sales category>,
"inCCP": <true or false>,
"expand": <true or false>
"resourceCategory": {
"id": <ID unique in the current wizard data>,
"name": <Default name of the resource category>,
"description": <Default description of the sales category>,
"optional": <true or false>,
"displayType": <"default" or "radio">
The structure uses the following configuration elements:
is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability,
assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a category existing in the platform.
is an arbitrary name to assign to the new category. Try to use
an application specific name to avoid confusion with other categories in the platform.
is an arbitrary description of the new category.
specifies if the plans of the category must be available in the customer control panel (CCP)
for sale.
defines if the sales category must be expanded in the list of all categories displayed
for a customer in CCP or in the online store.
defines if resources of this category are optional for customers.
defines one of the ways for a customer to choose resources in this category, either:
– Resources are selected by means of check boxes.
– Only one of the resources can be selected by means of radio buttons.
"billing": {
"planCategory": {
"name": "Plans for Initialization Wizard testing",
"description": "Plans for testing Initialization Wizard"
"salesCategory": {
"name": "Initialization Wizard testing plans",
"description": "Group of Initialization Wizard testing plans on sale for testing",
"inCCP": true,
"expand": true
"resourceCategory": {
"name": "Resource Category for the Initialization Wizard test",
"description": "Additional resources ",
"optional": true,
"displayType": "default"
A service plan is final and the most complex deployment component. Its configuration is based on all previously configured components.
The servicePlans
is an array of service plans.
Every service plan is presented by the following structure that contains general plan properties
and optionally the resources
array with a set of resource rates:
"name": <Plan arbitrary name>,
"id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
"stId": <ID of the service template>,
"shortDescription": <Short service plan description>,
"longDescription": <Short service plan description>,
"planBillingPeriod": <Number of months>,
"renewOrderInterval": <Digital code of the interval type>,
"renewPointDays": <Number of days>,
"subscrPeriodType": <Digital code of the unit to measure the period length>,
"subscrRefundType": <Digital code of the refund type>,
"subscrPeriod": <Number of billing periods>,
"subscrRenewalFee": <Fee>,
"subscrRecurringFee": <Fee>,
"subscrDepositFee": <Fee>,
"subscrTrial": <false or true>,
"subscrSetupFee": <Fee>,
"subscrTransferFee": <Fee>,
"resources": [
{ <resource rate 1> },
The servicePlans
section contains the following service plan general properties:
is a digital ID unique in scope of the present wizard data. For the sake of reliability,
assign a negative digit to avoid confusion with an ID of a service plan existing in the platform.
is an arbitrary name to assign to the new service plan. Try to use
an application specific name to avoid confusion with other service plan in the platform.
is an arbitrary description of the new category.
is the ID of a service template specified in the present wizard data.
is an arbitrary description of the new service plan.
is an arbitrary long description of the new service plan.
is the length of the billing period in the number of months.
specifies when a renewal order must be generated (0 - auto-renewal is disabled,
5 - on the last statement day, 15 - before subscription expiration).
specifies a number of days before the subscription expiration date
when a renewal order must be generated. This is valid when renewOrderInterval:15
In the default data, it is possible to specify parameters of one subscription period:
specifies the unit to measure the subscription period (2 - months, 3 - years).
is the length of the subscription period measured in the units specified by subscrPeriodType
defines if the subscription period is trial (1) or not (0).
is the setup fee for the first period.
is the recurring fee (per billing period).
is the renewal fee for the second and every subsequent period.
is the one time fee for transferring a domain. This is valid only for domain registration
service plans.
specifies a type of refund.
is a deposit amount included into the sales order and added as a credit to the customer balance.
A resource rate configuration in the resources
array has the following structure:
"id": <Digital ID unique in the present wizard data>,
"rtID": <ID of a resource type>,
"name": <Arbitrary resource rate name>,
"inCP": <true or false>,
"instore": <true or false>,
"incl": <0 or 1>,
"min": <Lower limit>,
"max": <Upper limit>,
"sFeePerUnit": <true or false>,
"rFeePerUnit": <true or false>,
"setupFee": <Fee>,
"recFee": <Fee>
"overFee": <Fee>,
"measurable": <true or false>
There are the following configuration elements in the above structure:
is the resource rate digital ID unique in the present wizard data.
is the ID of a resource type, the resource rate presents.
is an arbitrary name to assign to the resource rate .
specifies if the resource must be shown (1) in the customer control panel or not (0).
specifies if the resource rate must be presented in the online store.
is the included amount of the resource.
is the lower limit of the resource amount usage.
is the upper limit of the resource amount usage.
specifies if the setup fee is assigned per the resource unit.
specifies if the recurring fee is assigned per the resource unit.
specifies the setup fee for the resource or for the resource unit.
is the recurring fee (paid once per billing period) for the resource or for the resource unit.
is the fee for the resource over the purchased amount. It is valid for measurable resources,
where measurable:true
specifies if the resource is measurable (true) or not (false).
"planBillingPeriod": 1,
"renewOrderInterval": 15,
"stId": -500008,
"subscrPeriodType": 2,
"subscrRefundType": 0,
"name": "AIW Cloud App Security",
"subscrPeriod": 1,
"subscrRenewalFee": 0,
"id": -20,
"longDescription": "This is a service plan for testing the Product Initialization Wizard",
"renewPointDays": 1,
"subscrRecurringFee": 4.25,
"subscrDepositFee": 0,
"shortDescription": "Testing Initialization Wizard",
"subscrTrial": false,
"subscrSetupFee": 0,
"subscrTransferFee": 0,
"resources": [
"inCP": false,
"setupFee": 0,
"id": -500003,
"name": "VPS mainstream service profile",
"overFee": 0,
"rtID": -500003,
"max": 1,
"min": 1,
"measurable": false,
"rFeePerUnit": false,
"instore": false,
"recFee": 0,
"sFeePerUnit": false,
"incl": 1
"inCP": true,
"setupFee": 0,
"id": -500006,
"name": "VPS CPU Usage counter",
"overFee": 4.25,
"rtID": -500006,
"max": -1,
"min": 1,
"measurable": false,
"rFeePerUnit": true,
"instore": true,
"recFee": 4.25,
"sFeePerUnit": false,
"incl": 1