Preparing Office 365 Welcome Message Templates (CCP v1 Only)

Note: This feature is available for CCP v1 only.

It is possible to automatically send welcome messages to newly created Office 365 users. A welcome message can be used to provide a newly created Office 365 user with the following information:

  • The URL of the Microsoft Online Services Portal
  • The login of the user for logging in to the Microsoft Online Services Portal
  • A temporary password for the user to log in to the Microsoft Online Services Portal (the user must change this password after logging in to the portal)

If this ability is enabled, the administrator of an Office 365 organization can specify an email address when a new Office 365 user is created. Then, the corresponding welcome message is sent to the specified email address.

To enable this ability, you will need to prepare:

  • An SMTP server which will be used for sending welcome messages to the Internet
  • A Web or an FTP server where welcome message templates will be placed
  • The welcome message templates for required languages

To prepare the welcome message template for a language, perform the following actions:

  1. Obtain the welcome message template for the English language. It is located in the Office 365 application package in the doc\email-notification-templates directory.
  2. Obtain the language code of the language. To do this, log in to the Provider Control Panel and go to System > Settings > Locales.
  3. Create a copy of the en.html file (the default welcome message template for the English language) and translate it into the required language.

    Important: The name of the new welcome message template must consist of the first two letters of the language code and the .html extension. For example, if the language code is ja-JP, the name of the welcome message template must be ja.html.

  4. Upload the welcome message template to the Web or FTP server.

    Important: The welcome message template for the English language must also be uploaded to the Web or FTP server. It will be used as the default welcome message template if the appropriate welcome message template cannot be found for a non-English language.

When the SMTP server, Web or FTP server, and welcome message templates are prepared, write down the parameters listed below, as you will use them during the deployment.

  • The IP address or hostname of the SMTP server.
  • The login and password for SMTP authentication (if SMTP authentication is required).
  • The URL for downloading the welcome message templates. Examples:,,,