Installing the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint

This section describes how to install the Microsoft 365 application endpoint.

Note: To obtain information about the Microsoft 365 application endpoint architecture, see General Architecture.

Preparing for Installation

  • The installation is automatically performed by the setup.cmd script included in the Microsoft 365 application package. To obtain the script, perform the following actions:

    1. Upload the Microsoft 365 application package to the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host.
    2. Unpack the application package.
    3. Unblock the contents of the file. To do this, right-click the file in Windows Explorer, click Properties, click Unblock, and click OK.
    4. Extract the contents of the file.
    5. Open Windows PowerShell Console.
    6. Go to the directory where the contents of the extracted file are located.
  • Obtain BackNet IP addresses of the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host. These IP addresses will be used for Microsoft 365 gateway sites. Note that each Microsoft 365 gateway site requires a separate BackNet IP address.
  • Prepare hostnames for Microsoft 365 gateway sites. These hostnames must be resolved into corresponding BackNet IP addresses of the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host. Check it on the Operations Management Node and Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host.
  • Obtain the APSC SSL certificate from the Operations Management Node. The APSC SSL certificate is located here: /usr/local/pem/APS/certificates/controller.pem. Upload the APSC SSL certificate to the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host. Open the certificate file in a text editor and delete the private part, which starts with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and ends with "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"; leave only the public part, which starts with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and ends with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".
  • Make sure you have prepared the SQL Server databases for your Microsoft 365 gateway applications. See Preparing SQL Server Databases for details.

Creating Microsoft 365 Gateway Sites

Run the script using the following parameters:

  • GatewaySiteName: The name of the Microsoft 365 gateway site. Note that the name must not contain dots and it must not be changed after the installation of the Microsoft 365 application endpoint.
  • GatewayAppName: The name of the Microsoft 365 gateway application. Note that this name must not contain dots.
  • GatewayIPAddress: The BackNet IP address of the Microsoft 365 Application Endpoint Host. This IP address will be used by the Microsoft 365 gateway site. Note that each Microsoft 365 gateway site requires a separate BackNet IP address.
  • GatewaySiteCertSubject: The hostname of the Microsoft 365 gateway site. The corresponding self-signed SSL certificate will be automatically generated by the script and used by the Microsoft 365 gateway site.
  • APSControllerCertPath: The full path to the APSC SSL certificate file of the corresponding Operations Management Node. This SSL certificate will be used for securing communication between APSC and the Microsoft 365 gateway application.
  • Force: If this parameter is specified, the script does not ask a user to confirm actions.

If you are going to use SQL Server 2012/2014 Express/Web/Standard/Enterprise (x64) as a storage solution, specify the following additional parameters:

  • SqlInstance: The SQL Server instance of the Microsoft 365 gateway application database. The following formats are possible here:

    • <hostname or IP address of SQL Server instance> for the default SQL Server instance.
    • <hostname or IP address of SQL Server instance>\<name of SQL Server instance> for a non-default SQL Server instance.
  • SqlDatabase: The name of the Microsoft 365 gateway application database.
  • SqlUser: The login name of the Microsoft 365 gateway application database.
  • SqlPassword: The login password of the Microsoft 365 gateway application database.

If you are going to use SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB (x64) as a storage solution, specify the following additional parameter:

  • LocalDb: If this parameter is specified, the Microsoft 365 gateway application database is automatically created in SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB (x64).

Examples for SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB

For example, execute the following command to create the first Microsoft 365 gateway site and Microsoft 365 gateway application (SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB (x64) is used as the storage solution):

./setup.cmd -GatewaySiteName Microsoft365GatewaySite01 -GatewayAppName Microsoft365GatewayApplication01 -GatewayIPAddress -GatewaySiteCertSubject -APSControllerCertPath C:\Temp\controller.pem -LocalDb -Force

For example, execute the following command to create the second Microsoft 365 gateway site and Microsoft 365 gateway application (SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB (x64) is used as the storage solution):

./setup.cmd -GatewaySiteName Microsoft365GatewaySite02 -GatewayAppName Microsoft365GatewayApplication02 -GatewayIPAddress -GatewaySiteCertSubject -APSControllerCertPath C:\Temp\controller.pem -LocalDb -Force

Examples for SQL Server 2012/2014 Express/Web/Standard/Enterprise

For example, execute the following command to create the first Microsoft 365 gateway site and Microsoft 365 gateway application (SQL Server 2012/2014 Express/Web/Standard/Enterprise (x64) is used as the storage solution):

./setup.cmd -GatewaySiteName Microsoft365GatewaySite01 -GatewayAppName Microsoft365GatewayApplication01 -GatewayIPAddress -GatewaySiteCertSubject -APSControllerCertPath C:\Temp\controller.pem -SqlInstance\Microsoft365Instance -SqlDatabase Microsoft365GatewayApplication01 -SqlUser Microsoft365GatewayApplication01 -SqlPassword password01 -Force

For example, execute the following command to create the second Microsoft 365 gateway site and Microsoft 365 gateway application (SQL Server 2012/2014 Express/Web/Standard/Enterprise (x64) is used as the storage solution):

./setup.cmd -GatewaySiteName Microsoft365GatewaySite02 -GatewayAppName Microsoft365GatewayApplication02 -GatewayIPAddress -GatewaySiteCertSubject -APSControllerCertPath C:\Temp\controller.pem -SqlInstance\Microsoft365Instance -SqlDatabase Microsoft365GatewayApplication02 -SqlUser Microsoft365GatewayApplication02 -SqlPassword password02 -Force

This script will create the Microsoft 365 gateway sites and Microsoft 365 gateway applications.


1. Replace the input parameter values with the values that belong to your CloudBlue Commerce installation.

2. The SqlInstance, SqlDatabase, SqlUser, and SqlPassword parameters and the LocalDb parameter are mutually exclusive. Either the SqlInstance, SqlDatabase, SqlUser, and SqlPassword parameters or the LocalDb parameter must be specified depending on the installed SQL Server edition and version.