Vendor Subscription ID Extraction Is Supported

As of this version, the ability to extract vendor subscription IDs of cloud subscriptions, which are created in the Microsoft cloud when Microsoft 365 subscriptions are created in CloudBlue Commerce, is supported. As a result, reports generated by the Reporting and Data Export (RDE) component can now include not only information about Microsoft 365 subscriptions but also information about cloud subscriptions that belong to those Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

This feature has the following limitations:

  • Vendor subscription IDs are not extracted for cloud subscriptions that belong to add-on recurring licenses, software subscription licenses, and perpetual software licenses; cloud subscriptions with licenses of these types are ignored.
  • One Microsoft 365 subscription can belong to many cloud subscriptions. In this case, these cloud subscriptions are ordered by license amount in descending order and license name in alphabetical order, and then the vendor subscription ID of the first cloud subscription is extracted.