CustomServicePlans.json File
File Structure
The CustomServicePlans.json
file contains definitions of service plans for recurring licenses and add-on recurring licenses. A service plan is represented as a key-value pair: the key is the internal identifier of this service plan; the value is the definition of this service plan.
The definition of a service plan is a JSON object with the following properties:
- RegisterByDefault: Reserved for future use.
- Name: The name of this service plan.
- Description: The description of this service plan.
- PeriodType: The type of the subscription period of this service plan (D - days, M - month, Y - year).
- Period: The duration of the subscription period of this service plan.
- Trial: This defines whether this service plan is trial (0 - not trial, 1 - trial).
- SegmentGroup: The internal name of the group this service plan belongs to. Internal names are used in only the .json files.
- ShowPriority: The listing priority of this service plan in your online store.
RecurringFee: The recurring fee of the subscription period of this service plan.
Important: As of Microsoft 365 20.1, this property is ignored. As a result, the recurring fee of the subscription period of this service plan is set to $0.00.
- IncompatiblePlans: The list of service plans that are incompatible with this service plan. The list is represented as a JSON array and consists of internal identifiers of service plans.
- IncompatibleSegmentGroups: The list of groups containing service plans which are incompatible with this service plan. The list is represented as a JSON array and consists of internal identifiers of groups.
- UpgradeTo: The list of service plans to which this service plan can be upgraded. The list is represented as a JSON array and consists of internal identifiers of service plans.
- SalesCategories: The list of sales categories to which this service plan belongs. The list is represented as a JSON array and consists of internal identifiers of sales categories.
Resources: The list of resource rates of this service plan. The list is represented as a JSON object that consists of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair defines a resource rate. The key of a pair is the identifier of the recurring license or add-on recurring license to which the resource rate belongs; the value of the pair is the definition of this resource rate and is represented as a JSON object with the following properties:
- Name: The name of this resource type (resource) of the resource rate.
Included: The number of included units of this resource rate.
Important: As of Microsoft 365 20.1, this property defines Min Amount of resource rates. As a result, in this resource rate, Inc. Amount is set to 0, and Min Amount is set to the value of this property.
- Maximum: The maximum number of units of this resource rate.
- RecurringFee: The recurring fee of this resource rate.
The 'Office 365 Business Premium' Service Plan
For instance, the Office 365 Business Premium service plan is defined in the following way (some information was omitted for simplicity):
"BP+X": {
"RegisterByDefault": 1,
"Name": "Office 365 Business Premium",
"Description": "<div class=\"bestseller\"/><span class=\"officelogo\"/><br/><div class=\"ShortDescription\"><b>All the features of Business Essentials and Business in one integrated plan</b></div><ul><li>Email with 50 GB mailbox</li>\n<li>1 TB file storage and sharing</li>\n<li>HD video conferencing</li>\n<li>Fully installed Office on PC/Mac</li>\n<li>Office apps on tablets and phones</li></ul>",
"PeriodType": "Y",
"Period": "1",
"Trial": 0,
"SegmentGroup": "E",
"ShowPriority": "160",
"RecurringFee": 12.5000,
"IncompatiblePlans": ["BP-T", "BP+X"],
"IncompatibleSegmentGroups": [],
"UpgradeTo": [],
"SalesCategories": ["B"],
"Resources": {
"031c9e47-4802-4248-838e-778fb1d2cc05": {
"Name": "Office 365 Business Premium",
"Included": 1,
"Maximum": 300,
"RecurringFee": 12.5000
"53fc25f7-6639-4f78-bb44-3c2dfec3ed40": {
"Name": "Office 365 Extra File Storage",
"Included": 0,
"Maximum": -1,
"RecurringFee": 0.2000
"a2706f86-868d-4048-989b-0c69e5c76b63": {
"Name": "Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection",
"Included": 0,
"Maximum": -1,
"RecurringFee": 2.0000
"2828be95-46ba-4f91-b2fd-0bef192ecf60": {
"Name": "Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online",
"Included": 0,
"Maximum": -1,
"RecurringFee": 3.0000
The following service plan is created based on this definition:
Office 365 Business Premium
- Service Template: Office 365
- Service Terms: Microsoft 365 (Recurring Licenses and Add-ons)
Billing Terms
- Billing Model: Charge Before Billing Period
- Billing Period: Monthly
- Set Recurring Prices per: Billing Period
- Auto-Renewal: 7 day(s) before Expiration Date
- Notification Schedule: empty
Subscription Period
- Duration: 1
- Unit: Year(s)
- Trial: No
- Setup Fee: $0.00
- Recurring Fee: $0.00
- Non Refundable Amount: $0.00
- Full Refund Period (days): 7
- Notification Schedule: empty
Resource Rates
Office 365 Business Premium
- Main / Show in Store: Yes
- Main / Show in CP: Yes
- Setup / Fee: $0.00
- Recurring / Fee: $12.50
- Recurring / Charge Per Unit: Yes
- Units / Included Units: 0
- Units / Max Units: 300
- Units / Min Units: 1
Office 365 Extra File Storage (1 GB)
- Main / Show in Store: Yes
- Main / Show in CP: Yes
- Setup / Fee: $0.00
- Recurring / Fee: $0.20
- Recurring / Charge Per Unit: Yes
- Units / Included Units: 0
- Units / Max Units: -1 (unlimited)
- Units / Min Units: 0
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online
- Main / Show in Store: Yes
- Main / Show in CP: Yes
- Setup / Fee: $0.00
- Recurring / Fee: $3.00
- Recurring / Charge Per Unit: Yes
- Units / Included Units: 0
- Units / Max Units: -1 (unlimited)
- Units / Min Units: 0
Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection
- Main / Show in Store: Yes
- Main / Show in CP: Yes
- Setup / Fee: $0.00
- Recurring / Fee: $2.00
- Recurring / Charge Per Unit: Yes
- Units / Included Units: 0
- Units / Max Units: -1 (unlimited)
- Units / Min Units: 0
- Upgrades: empty
The created service plan is added to the Office 365 Business sales category.
The 'Office 365 Business Premium Trial' Service Plan
For instance, the Office 365 Business Premium Trial service plan is defined in the following way (some information was omitted for simplicity):
"BP-T": {
"RegisterByDefault": 1,
"Name": "Office 365 Business Premium Trial",
"Description": "<div class=\"bestseller\"/><span class=\"officelogo\"/><br/><div class=\"ShortDescription\"><b>All the features of Business Essentials and Business in one integrated plan</b></div><ul><li>Email with 50 GB mailbox</li>\n<li>1 TB file storage and sharing</li>\n<li>HD video conferencing</li>\n<li>Fully installed Office on PC/Mac</li>\n<li>Office apps on tablets and phones</li></ul>",
"PeriodType": "D",
"Period": "30",
"Trial": 1,
"SegmentGroup": "E",
"ShowPriority": 159,
"RecurringFee": 0.0000,
"IncompatiblePlans": ["BP-T", "BP+X"],
"IncompatibleSegmentGroups": [],
"UpgradeTo": ["BP+X"],
"SalesCategories": ["B"],
"Resources": {
"031c9e47-4802-4248-838e-778fb1d2cc05": {
"Name": "Office 365 Business Premium",
"Included": 25,
"Maximum": 25,
"RecurringFee": 0.0000
The following service plan is created based on this definition:
Office 365 Business Premium Trial
- Service Template: Office 365
- Service Terms: Microsoft 365 (Recurring Licenses and Add-ons)
Billing Terms
- Billing Model: Charge Before Billing Period
- Billing Period: Monthly
- Set Recurring Prices per: Billing Period
- Auto-Renewal: Disabled
- Notification Schedule: Hosting Subscription Expiration
Subscription Period
- Duration: 1
- Unit: Month(s)
- Trial: Yes
- Setup Fee: $0.00
- Recurring Fee: $0.00
- Notification Schedule: empty
Resource Rates
Office 365 Business Premium
- Main / Show in Store: Yes
- Main / Show in CP: Yes
- Setup / Fee: $0.00
- Recurring / Fee: $0.00
- Units / Included Units: 0
- Units / Max Units: 25
- Units / Min Units: 25
- Upgrades: Office 365 Business Premium
The created service plan is added to the Office 365 Business sales category.