Extended Terms

The extended terms functionality allows new customers or customers that do not have active subscriptions to receive extended license periods of up to 36 months and to select an Anniversary date that is aligned with their organization's budget schedule.

Note: All terms default to an annual subscription at renewal.

Transacting partners can specify if they wish to use the Extended Terms before placing an order by enabling the corresponding checkbox in the ordering process.

Additionally, when selecting the Extended Terms checkbox, it will be necessary to select an expiration end date, which must be within the next 5 years. The expiration date must be provided in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD

Parameters used to Manage Extended Terms

Parameter ID Parameter Name Phase Description
extended_terms Extended Terms Ordering Checkbox that allows transacting partners to use an extended term when purchasing a subscription. This feature is only available for new customers or customers that do not have any active subscriptions.
cb_align_expiration_date Align CloudBlue Expiration date Ordering This field must be filled in when the Extended Terms checkbox is selected. The date provided must be within the next 5 years.
cb_coterm_upper_bound_date Commerce Coterm Upper Bound Date Ordering This parameter is used by Commerce to indicate that the service plan selected has a extended term.
coterm_lower_bound_date Coterm Lower Bound Date Ordering This parameter is used by Commerce to set the lower limit when the customer chooses a co-term date.
coterm_upper_bound_date Coterm Upper Bound Date Ordering This parameter is used by Commerce to set the upper limit when the customer chooses a co-term date.
control_extended_terms Control Extended Terms Ordering This parameter is used to check if the extended terms have been validated.
max_years_extended_term Maximum number of years for extended term Configuration This parameter is used to validate the maximum number of years in the extended term to be configured for the current product.
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