Ordering Parameters

Purchase Request Parameters

The parameters in the following table are used in requests to purchase Adobe products.

- Refer to CloudBlue Commerce and CloudBlue Connect API documentation for additional information on how to manage orders through the platform's API.

  • In Connect API, you can use the required parameters in the tables below within the params array with the format specified in Connect documentation ("id"/"value"). For additional information, see the CloudBlue Connect API documentation.

  • In CloudBlue Commerce API, the required parameters in the tables below must be included in the parameters array with a "key"/"value" format. For additional information, see the CloudBlue Commerce API documentation.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
action_type Yes

Use one of the following strings:

  • transfer: This string is used if the new order is a transfer from traditional.

  • purchase: This string is used if the new order is a normal purchase.

adobe_user_email No

Customer email to create the account in the Adobe system.

external_reference_id No

Reference to the external system order_id.

three_years_commitment No If this is set to true, the three-year commit option will be enabled.
three_years_minimun_licenses No Minimum number of license SKUs that will be included in the 3-year commit contract. The minimum quantity of licenses for a 3-year commit must be 10 or more licenses.
three_years_minimun_consumables No Minimum number of consumable SKUs that will be included in the 3-year commit contract. The minimum quantity of Consumables (Adobe Acrobat Sign Transactions) for a 3-year commit must be must be 1000 or more.
three_years_recommitment No

If this is set to true, the three-year commit contract will be renewed. The renewal is possible up to 30 days before the subscription expiration date.

three_years_recommitment_minimun_licenses No Minimum number of license SKUs that will be included in the renewal of a 3-year commit contract.The minimum quantity of licenses for a 3-year commit must be 10 or more licenses.
three_years_recommitment_minimun_consumables No Minimum number of consumable SKUs that will be included in the renewal of a 3-year commit contract. The minimum quantity of Consumables (Adobe Acrobat Sign Transactions) for a 3-year commit must be must be 1000 or more.

Transfer Request Parameters

The parameters in the following table are used in requests to transfer Adobe products.

Parameter ID Required Description
adobe_vip_number Only if the action_type is transfer

Use one of the following strings:

  • transfer: This string is used if the new order is a transfer from traditional.

  • purchase: This string is used if the new order is a normal purchase.

When an 5117 error is returned, the REASON_CODE should be evaluated. In the following table you can find a description or the possible reason codes and the actions required:

REASON_CODE  Description  Action Required 


Customer has open purchase authorizations. 

Open Purchase Authorizations must be canceled or returned, if possible, or converted to order and paid for. 

It can also be bypassed the with expire-open-pas query parameter described below.


Customer has orders still in the return window 

Wait until return window has closed (14 days after last order). 

This can also be bypassed with ignore-order-return query parameter described below.

Parameter ID Description

New Query parameters are available to allow VIP to be transferred to VIPMP under certain conditions if express confirmation is indicated.

You can use a JSON structure with the following query parameters in GET and POST requests:

  • ignore-order-return: If this is set to true, customers with returnable purchases can be transferred. The default value is false.

    Important: Setting this parameter to true will disable the rollback to VIP and the “returnable” purchase can no longer be returned.

  • expire-open-pas: If this is set to true, customers with open Purchase Authorizations can be transferred. Any open Purchase Authorizations will expire during the asynchronous phase of the transfer. The default value is false.

Example of a Transfer Preview using the query parameters:

    "operation" : "transfers",
    "parameters": {
        "marketplace": "MP-00000",
        "product" : "PRD-000-000-000",
        "membership": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "ignore-order-return": true
                 "expire-open-pas": true

Transfer example using the query parameters:


            "id": "adobe_query_parameters",
            "name": "adobe_query_parameters",
            "type": "object",
            "phase": "ordering",
            "description": "adobe_query_parameters",
            "value": "",
            "value_error": "",
            "title": "adobe_query_parameters",
            "constraints": {
                "hint": "query parameters for transfers",
                "meta": {},
                "required": false,
                "hidden": true,
                "readonly": true
            "structured_value": {
                "ignore-order-return": true,
                "expire_open_pas": true


Customer and Company Information Parameters

The following parameters are only required when the customer details or the company information did not pass Adobe's validation.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
customer_company_name No Company name
customer_address_line_1 No Business address line
customer_address_line_2 No Business address line
customer_postal_code No ZIP or Postal Code
customer_city No City of your business
customer_region No

State/region two-letter code. For example, CA.

customer_country No

Country two-letter code. For example, US.

customer_phone_number No Phone number

Parameters Used for Tier Configuration

In a distributor model (N-tier), the following parameters can be provided in the API requests.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
reseller_company_name No Company name
reseller_postal_code No ZIP or Postal Code
reseller_city No City of your business
reseller_region No State/region two-letter code. For example, CA.
reseller_country No Country two-letter code. For example, US.
reseller_phone_number No Phone number

Changing the Auto-Renewal Flag of Subscriptions

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
set_auto_renewal_status Only if the Auto-Renewal status needs to be changed.

Use one of the following values:

  • active_auto_renewal_status: This will activate the auto-renewal for the corresponding subscription in Adobe.

  • inactive_auto_renewal_status: This will deactivate the auto-renewal for the corresponding subscription in Adobe.

Here's an example:

    "id": "cb_autorenewal",
    "value": "active_auto_renewal_status"

Model One-to-One Subscription

This model allows the creation of orders with only one product per subscription. In this way, the orders can only have one product. If we want to purchase several products, we need the next parameter to have the Adobe discounts.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
transaction_id Only for one-to-one model and we want to purchase several products.

GUID to identify the transaction.

transaction_items Only for one-to-one model and we want to purchase several products. Number of orders that belongs to the transaction.
business-model Only for one-to-one model.

Allows the creation of assets with 1:1 support.

Use one of the following values:

  • one-to-many: Use this for the One-to-Many business model. This is the default value.

  • one-to-one: Use this for the One-to-One business model.

Change and Cancellation Process

We have a period of 14 days to make the cancellation in Adobe and get the refund for an order. To allow this process, we need to indicate that the downsize is a cancel order (an Order Return) and provide the ID of the order that we want to cancel.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
is_cancellation_order Only for downsizes that are cancellations for any order.

Use one of the following values:

  • is-cancellation-request: Used when an order is downsized to 0 to complete an order return.

  • no-cancellation-request: It must be selected for downsize operations where the number of licenses in the order is not reduced to 0.

cancel_order_id Only for downsizes that are cancellations for any order. Adobe order ID to cancel.

Migration Orders in Seamless-Move

To create migration orders in seamless-move, see instructions on the Manage Orders page of the Simple API guide.

Offline Mode Operations

The offline_status ordering parameter allows distributors in CloudBlue to flag an Adobe subscription as offline, allowing them to perform change or cancellation orders without triggering any communication to the vendor. The requests made while the subscription is in offline mode will be automatically approved by the connector without any communication to the vendor.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
offline_status No

This parameter allows one of the following values:

  • active_offline_status: It is used to turn on offline status for a subscription.

  • inactive_offline_status: It is used to turn off offline status for a subscription.

Connect API Payload Examples

Changing a subscription to offline mode:


   "type": "change",

   "asset": {

       "id": "AS-2220-1705-2332",

       "params": [


               "id": "offline_status",

               "value": "active_offline_status"





Connect API payload to change a subscription back to online mode:


   "type": "change",

   "asset": {

       "id": "AS-2220-1705-2332",

       "params": [


               "id": "offline_status",

               "value": "inactive_offline_status"





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