Parameters Required for Partial Upgrades

Important: If you use CloudBlue Commerce, please note that this feature will be supported in version 21.7.

A partial upgrade occurs when only some of the seats of a paid SKU (source subscription) are upgraded to a different paid SKU (new subscription). Two different requests are required for partial upgrades:

  • Purchase request with the new SKU corresponding to the offer that the subscription is upgraded to, with the corresponding number of seats.

  • Change request reflecting a decrease in the number of seats of the source subscription (downsize).

The same transaction ID must be used for both requests and it is necessary to specify that the scope is a partial upgrade.

Parameter ID Required JSON structure with the following parameters:
transaction_info_object Yes


transaction_type PartialUpgrade
number_of_requests 2
transaction_id Yes The transaction id must be the same in both requests (purchase request and change request).

Below you can see an example of the parameters that need to be used in both requests .

        "key": "transaction_id",
        "value": "transaction_1"
        "key":  "transaction_info_object",
            "transaction_type": "PartialUpgrade",
            "number_of_requests": 2
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