Parameters Required in Requests to Import Existing Microsoft Purchase History


It is possible to import a past purchase history of modern New Commerce Experience (NCE) from Microsoft Partner Center into CloudBlue.

A proper synchronization of subscription-based offers that have pending future billing periods is required for CloudBlue to perform rating and invoicing.

Additionally, importing one-time purchase offers is also possible, although these have no pending future billing periods, and will not impact on any future rating nor invoicing.

Importing Active Subscriptions

Scope: NCE Microsoft 365, NCE Software Subscription.

To import active Microsoft subscriptions to CloudBlue Connect, it is necessary to complete the following steps:

  1. When placing an order, the migration_info_object parameter must contain the subscription id, customer id, csp order id and the Microsoft domain of the subscription to be imported. This information must be provided in JSON format. For example:

    - The customer id, subscription id, csp order and Microsoft domain ( are mandatory.
    - Refer to CloudBlue Commerce API documentation for additional information on how to manage orders through the platform's API.

            "key": "migration_info_object",
                "ms_customer_id": "value of the param 1",
                "subscription_id": "value of the param 2",
                "csp_order_id": "value of the param 3"
            "key": "microsoft_domain",
            "value": ""
  2. When a new order is placed, the processor will check if the migration_info_object parameter contains data. If that is the case, the order will be considered as an import and the processor will use the information provided in the such parameter to populate the corresponding fulfillment parameters.

Note: The provided customer id, subscription id and order id, as well as other attributes such as the SKU id, quantity, billing frequency and billing terms will be validated to ensure that the data in the order matches the information in the existing Microsoft subscription to be imported. If the validation is not successful the order will be failed.

- It is only possible to migrate active Microsoft subscriptions.
- The import of trial subscriptions is not supported.
- In the case that the offer does not have a subscription ID (Perpetual), the order ID must be included in both the subscription_id and csp_order_id properties.

Parameter ID Required Description
migration_info_object Yes

JSON structure with the following parameters:

Parameter ID Description
ms_customer_id The Microsoft customer Id of the subscription to be imported.
subscription_id The Microsoft subscription Id of the subscription to be imported.
csp_order_id The Microsoft order Id of the subscription to be imported.
microsoft_domain No The Microsoft domain of the subscription to be imported including "". For example:

Importing One-Time Purchase History

Scope: NCE Microsoft Perpetual Software to Non-Qualified Commercial Customers, NCE Perpetual Software to Qualified Education Customers, NCE Perpetual Software to Qualified Nonprofit Customers

The information above is applicable with one notable change. Since one-time purchase products by definition do not have a subscription, Microsoft does not issue a subscription_id.

As the Migration Info Object requires this value, simply repeat the csp_order_id as the subscription_id. This means that the Shopping Cart ID of the one-time-purchase appears in place of a recurring Subscription ID.

JSON Structure with the following parameters

Parameter ID Description
ms_customer_id The Microsoft customer Id of the subscription to be imported.
subscription_id As Microsoft does not issue a subscription_id for one-time purchase products, duplicate the csp_order_id into this parameter.
csp_order_id The Microsoft order Id of the subscription to be imported.
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