Obtaining Credentials through the Microsoft Management Settings API
As a provider, you can obtain the credentials for a particular marketplace by making a request to the Microsoft Management Settings API. To do this, you will need to provide the refresh token in the header of the request.
The refresh token must be used in the authorization header of the request.
Obtaining the list of Credentials
GET https://srvc-7374-6941.ext.cloudblue.io/api/credentials
By making a request to the /api/credentials endpoint you can obtain the full list of credentials, including the tenant ID, client ID and client secret. If you do not want to obtain the full list, you can use the parameters listed in the table below, which will allow you to obtain the credentials for a particular marketplace, environment or status (active, not generated or error).
In the following table you can see the parameters that can be used in the request.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
Limit | Integer | No | The maximum number of entries to return. |
Offset | Integer | No | The (zero-based) offset of the first item returned. In a zero-based offset, 0 is a correct value. |
marketplace_id | String | No | Returns the credentials for a particular marketplace. |
environment | String | No | Allows you to select the environment: TEST or PRODUCTION. |
status | String | No | Returns credentials with the status specified in the request. The allowed values are the following: ACTIVE, NOT_GENERATED, ERROR |
Request and Response Examples
Obtaining the full list of credentials
"total_items": 3,
"items": [
"id": "CRD-1234-124-1234",
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-123-123",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-12345",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace US",
"tenant_id": "719930a6-5f38-454b-9c77-030021174363",
"client_id": "54142c92-efb1-4b66-b735-2e882763f9b7",
"client_secret": "=124hkfsi435jm6jf,6",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "Test",
"status": "Active",
"updated_by": "Microsoft Extension",
"updated_at": "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z"
"id": "CRD-1234-124-5678,
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-123-123",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-10005",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace CH",
"tenant_id": "316630a6-5f38-454b-9c77-0510211743a8",
"client_id": "94153b07-efb1-4b66-b735-2e882763f3c9",
"client_secret": "~567hkfsi235jm9jf,7",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "Test",
"status": "NOT_GENERATED",
"updated_by": "User1",
"updated_at": "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z"
"id": "CRD-1386-3589-9001",
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-800-926",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-55595",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace MX",
"tenant_id": "5d6295d3-48d8-4c4d-9489-201f20004cf7",
"client_id": "9796cb8d-0ed3-4ffe-a00a-b573991289cc",
"client_secret": "=890Wxjlottd909tg:5",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "TEST",
"status": "ERROR",
"status_error": "An error occurred when generating the Microsoft access token. Please review your credentials.",
"updated_by": "VA-610-138",
"updated_by_name": "Microsoft Extension",
"updated_at": "2023-11-06T07:04:40.534145"
Obtaining credentials for a specific marketplace
"total_items": 1,
"items": [
"id": "CRD-1234-124-1234",
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-123-123",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-12345",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace US",
"tenant_id": "719930a6-5f38-454b-9c77-030021174363",
"client_id": "54142c92-efb1-4b66-b735-2e882763f9b7",
"client_secret": "=124hkfsi435jm6jf,6",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "Test",
"status": "Active",
"updated_by": "Microsoft Extension",
"updated_at": "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z"
Obtaining credentials for a specific environment
"total_items": 1,
"items": [
"id": "CRD-1234-124-1234",
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-123-123",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-12345",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace US",
"tenant_id": "719930a6-5f38-454b-9c77-030021174363",
"client_id": "54142c92-efb1-4b66-b735-2e882763f9b7",
"client_secret": "=124hkfsi435jm6jf,6",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "Test",
"status": "Active",
"updated_by": "Microsoft Extension",
"updated_at": "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z"
Obtaining credentials for a specific status
"total_items": 1,
"items": [
"id": "CRD-1234-124-1234",
"installation_id": "EIN-1263-0985-8050",
"account_id": "PA-123-123",
"account_name": "Provider Name",
"marketplace_id": "MP-12345",
"marketplace_name": "Marketplace US",
"tenant_id": "719930a6-5f38-454b-9c77-030021174363",
"client_id": "54142c92-efb1-4b66-b735-2e882763f9b7",
"client_secret": "=124hkfsi435jm6jf,6",
"product_type": "MICROSOFT_SAAS",
"environment": "Test",
"status": "Active",
"updated_by": "Microsoft Extension",
"updated_at": "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z"