Appendix A: Preparing a Server to Run the Migration Script for a CloudBlue Commerce 20.5 Installation

If you need a separate sever to run the migration script for a CloudBlue Commerce 20.5 installation, prepare it by completing these steps:

  1. Prepare a physical or virtual server with CentOS 7.4 (x64) or RHEL 7.4 (x64) installed.

  2. Ensure that the server meets these resource requirements:

    • CPU: 4 cores or more

    • RAM: 16 GB or more

    • Free disk space: 200 GB or more

      Note: That disk space is necessary to store the migration script's log files. The script may produce several gigabytes of log files per day.

  3. Ensure that connections from that server to the OSS XML-RPC, BSS XML-RPC, and APS REST APIs are allowed (TCP ports 8440, 5224, and 443).

  4. If you use IP address restrictions for the OSS XML-RPC API, add the IP address of that server to the list of allowed networks as described in this guide.

  5. On your BSS application node, add the IP address of that server to the /usr/local/bm/conf/ip_access.db file and restart BSS with the service pba restart command.

  6. Ensure that connections from that server to the database server where the oss database is located are allowed (TCP port 5432).

    Note: The migration script must have the ability to read records of the tm_tasks table.

  7. On the database server where the oss database is located, add the IP address of that server to ~postgres/11/data/pg_hba.conf and reload PostgreSQL with the service postgresql-11 reload command.

  8. On that server, create the /etc/yum.repos.d/pa-central.repo file with the following contents:

    name=PA Central YUM repo for RHEL $releasever
  9. On that server, create the /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo file with the following contents:

    name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch
  10. On that server, install poaupdater:

    yum install
  11. On that server, install additional packages:

    yum install python-configparser postgresql11-contrib postgresql11-libs postgresql11-server postgresql11 --nogpgcheck
  12. On that server, install the requests, paramiko, and dateutil Python modules:

    python -m pip install requests 'certifi<=2020.4.5.1'
    yum install gcc python-devel
    python -m pip install 'cryptography<=3.3.2' 'pynacl==1.4.0'
    python -m pip install paramiko
    python -m pip install python-dateutil
  13. Copy the /usr/local/pem/etc and /usr/local/pem/APS/certificates directories from your management node to that server:

    mkdir -p /usr/local/pem/APS
    scp -r YOUR_MN_IP_ADDRESS:/usr/local/pem/etc /usr/local/pem/
    scp -r YOUR_MN_IP_ADDRESS:/usr/local/pem/APS/certificates /usr/local/pem/APS/
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