Creating an Azure Application Instance

Important: For every new 1st Tier Partner, a separate Azure application instance must be created.

To be able to use the Azure application, first you should create a new application instance.

  1. In provider control panel, go to Services > Applications and click the Azure Cloud Solution Provider integration package that you have imported before.
  2. Open the Instances tab and click Add Instance.
  3. Specify the Application API end-point URI – URI with the corresponding backnet IP: https://<azure_site_ip_backnet_address>:10443/azure/aps/.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Specify the following global settings:
    • Enable multi-factor authentication- select this option.
    • Partner Tenant Name – name of the partner tenant as registered in Microsoft Azure. For example, (for Microsoft Cloud) or (for Microsoft Cloud Germany).
    • Offer ID – it is "MS-AZR-0145P" ("MS-AZR-DE-0145P" for Microsoft Cloud Germany) for production provisioning now, but it can be changed in the future. Check it with your contact person in Microsoft when you sign the partner agreement.

      Note: The ID "MS-AZR-0145P" ("MS-AZR-DE-0145P" for Microsoft Cloud Germany) is used to provision a production Azure subscription. However, bear in mind that "MS-AZR-0146P" ("MS-AZR-DE-0146P" for Microsoft Cloud Germany) should be used instead when provisioning to a sandbox.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Validate the parameters carefully and click Finish.

You can later edit these data in Services > Applications > Azure Cloud Solution Provider > Instances > <instance name> > Configuration tab.