Step 4. Update the c2u_settings in OSS DB

To update the c2u_settings in the OSS DB, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Management Node as root.
  2. Run postgres as a superuser:

    su postgres
  3. Open postgres command utility:

    psql oss
  4. Set the parameter oaci.version.installed to 18.0 and oa.version.installed to 8.0:

    insert into c2u_settings values ('oa.version.installed', '8.0');
    insert into c2u_settings values ('oaci.version.installed', '18.0');
  5. Exit from the psql utility:

  6. Exit from the superuser shell:

  7. Restart pa-agent and pau services on the management node:

    # service pa-agent restart
    # service pau restart