Configuring the Custom Attribute

Before setting up a product, the InitWizardCountryCode custom attribute must be set. This attribute is required to find resellers for operations such as importing product changes and price updating. To do this:

  1. Log in to the source platform.
  2. In the Billing control panel, go to System > Settings > Attributes.
  3. Click Add New Attribute and create an attribute with the following parameters:
    • ID: InitWizardCountryCode
    • Name: InitWzardCountryCode
    • Applicable to: Accounts
  4. Go to Operations > Resellers to select the required reseller.
  5. In the Additional Information tab, click Edit and specify a value for the InitWzardCountryCode attribute.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the destination platform.

    Note: Make sure that the value for the InitWzardCountryCode attribute is the same for both platforms.