Migrating the APS 1.x Provisioning Gateway

This step is a part of the service nodes migration to Azure.

Note: To ensure that APS 1.x applications are provisioned correctly by the target provisioning gateway, the target gateway node must have the same PHP version installed as the source gateway node. To ensure this, it is recommended that you use the same OS version on the target APS 1.x provisioning gateway node as the OS on the source node. By default, on-premise provisioning gateway nodes with CentOS 6 have PHP 5.3 installed, whereas CentOS 7 uses PHP 5.4. This means that APS 1.x applications, which work with PHP 5.3, may not work with PHP 5.4. and, therefore, may not be provisioned correctly by the target provisioning gateway. However, if PHP 5.4 is installed on the source provisioning gateway node with Centos 6 (PHP 5.4 can be installed using the EPEL repository, for example), migration to a target provisioning gateway node with CentOS 7 is allowed.

Important: If an APS1.x application does not work on CentOS 7 after the migration, contact the application vendor and request an application upgrade.

Migration Procedure

To switch the APS 1.x application provisioning function from a source to a target provisioning gateway:

  • Step 1. Deploy the target APS 1.x application provisioning gateway node
  • Step 2. Test the operability of the target gateway
  • Step 3. Switch gateways
  • Step 4. Test the provisioning of new subscriptions
  • Step 5. Unregister the source provisioning gateway node from CBC

Step 1. Deploy the Target APS 1.x Application Provisioning Gateway Node

  1. Prepare a new virtual machine in Azure with the same OS version as on the source gateway node.
  2. On the target provisioning gateway node, configure YUM in the same way as on the source provisioning gateway node.
  3. Compare the installed RPMs lists on the source and target nodes; using YUM, install the missing RPMs to the target node.
  4. Register the target node in CloudBlue Commerce as a General Linux node.
  5. Copy the /usr/local/pem/APS/scripts directory from the source to the target node.
  6. (Custom application configuration) For each APS 1.x application, refer to the vendor's deployment documentation for additionally required customizations. For example, some applications may require to white-list the IP address of the target provisioning gateway node in an external service, or may require to place an SSL certificate to the file system of the target APS 1.x Provisioning Gateway node.

Step 2. Test the Operability of the Target Gateway

To ensure that each application works on new APS 1.x Provisioning Gateway, before switching gateways, perform the following testing for each APS 1 application:

  1. Prepare a test subscription (or use an existing test subscription).
  2. Switch the test subscription to the target node using the following query:

    update aps_external_application_instances set host_id=<TARGET HOST ID> where app_instance_id in
    (select app_instance_id from saas_application_instances sai
    join aps_applications ap on sai.app_id=ap.app_id
    where sai.sub_id=<TEST SUBSCRIPTION ID> and ap.name=<APPLICATION NAME>);

    For example:

    update aps_external_application_instances set host_id=15 where
    app_instance_id in (select app_instance_id from
    saas_application_instances sai join aps_applications ap on
    sai.app_id=ap.app_id where sai.sub_id=1000016 and ap.name='BackupAgent');
  3. Check to make sure that the test subscription works:
    • Create/remove users
    • Increase subscription counters (resource limits)
    • Change application settings
    • Remove an application instance or remove the subscription

Step 3. Switch Gateways

If the test subscriptions work on the target provisioning gateway in step 2, switch all APS 1.x applications to the target provisioning gateway as follows:

  1. For the target node, go to Infrastructure > Service Nodes. Switch the provisioning gateway:
    1. Click the target node. In the General tab, go to Attributes. Add an External Provisioning attribute.
    2. Click the source node. In the General tab, go to Attributes. Remove the External Provisioning attribute.
  2. Switch all existing subscriptions to the target provisioning gateway using this query:

    update aps_external_application_instances set host_id=<TARGET HOST ID> where host_id=<SOURCE HOST ID>;

Step 4. Test the Subscription Provisioning

For each APS 1.x application:

  1. Create a new test subscription.
  2. Check to make sure that provisioning works successfully.

Step 5. Unregister the Source Provisioning Gateway Node from CloudBlue Commerce

For instructions, please refer to Removing a Hardware Node.