Migrating Brands

This step is a part of the service nodes migration to Azure.

Migration Scenarios

Scenario 1: Migrating existing brands from a source On-Premise UI Linux node to a Branding UI K8S Cluster

For instructions, please refer to Linux Platform Deployment Guide.

Scenario 2: Migrating existing brands from a source On-Premise UI Linux node to a target UI Linux Node in Azure

Migration of existing brands to a target UI Linux node in Azure is performed with the following script:

# cat move-brands.py
from poaupdater import openapi, uSysDB
from optparse import OptionParser

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--from-host", dest="source", help="source host to move brands from")
parser.add_option("--to-host", dest="dest", help="destrination host to move brands to")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

api = openapi.OpenAPI()
con = uSysDB.connect()
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT brand_id, brand_name FROM brand_proxy_params JOIN brands USING (brand_id) JOIN proxies USING (proxy_id) WHERE host_id=%s", options.source)
for id,name in cur.fetchall():
    print "moving brand %s id %s to host %s" % (name,options.dest, id)
    api.pem.moveBrandToHost(brand_id=id, host_id=int(options.dest))

To migrate existing brands from a source On-Premise UI Linux node to a target UI Linux Node in Azure:

  1. Register a Linux-based Azure VM with a public IP address in CloudBlue Commerce as the target Branding UI node. For instructions, please refer to Registering Linux-based Azure VM Nodes in CloudBlue Commerce.
  2. Prepare public IP addresses to provide brands at external IP addresses:
    1. Allocate public IP addresses on your Azure infrastructure. For details, please refer to Microsoft Azure instructions.
    2. Assign the allocated IP addresses to the load balancer in Azure. For details, refer to Microsoft Azure instructions.
    3. Create an IP pool in CBC which contains the assigned addresses. For details, refer to Creating IP Pool.
    4. Assign the IP pool to the new Branding UI node in Azure. For details, refer to Adding a New IP Pool.
  3. Move existing brands from the source on-premise UI Linux node to the target UI Linux node in Azure by executing the following command on Operations management node:

    python move_brands.py --from-host <SOURCE> --to-host <DESTINATION>


    • <SOURCE> is the source host ID
    • <DESTINATION> is the destination host ID

    For example:

    python move_brands.py --from-host 7 --to-host 14