File Requirements

Important: An extensive product portfolio and wide distribution chain exceeding 1000 resellers may affect the reseller synchronization performance. If this is your case, please contact your Account Manager to check if there is a solution.

This topic describes sheets and columns presented in the Excel file that is imported and exported using PLM, and requirements for the file.

  • It must be a valid Excel (*.xslx) file.

  • It must include products and plans that belong to only one product line.

  • The names of columns in the same sheet must be unique. If there are two columns with the same name, you will not be able to upload the file.

    • It has the sheets and columns listed below.

      Note: Sheet and column order is ignored during file processing. After importing an Excel file with the initial configuration, you can edit only a limited list of parameters by importing another file. These parameters are marked as Editable in the tables below. Please ensure that the uploaded configuration fits your business needs. To modify other fields, the corresponding objects need to be first removed from the Control Panel and the configuration file needs to be imported again.