Creating a One-Time-Purchase Product
Product Lifecycle Management enables creation of the products that can be purchased without creating any subscription and recurring fees. This can represent, for example, a support or delivery agreement.
Note: A subscription in Operations will be created when a product with one-time fee is purchased, however the One-time subscriptions cleaner task will delete such subscriptions once their provisioning is confirmed.
Such products are tagged as One-time purchase in UX1 screens, except for the subscription list screen, where purchased one-time-purchase products are not displayed at all. Another difference with the subscription-based products is that subscription period is not displayed for products with one-time fee.
There are several limitations applied to the products with one-time fee:
Currently, a plan cannot include both a one-time-fee product and a subscription-based product.
You cannot decrease the amount of already purchased products with one-time fee.
You cannot increase the amount of already purchased products with one-time fee within an existing order. To do this, a new order must be created.
A purchased one-time-fee product cannot be replaced with another product, which means that you cannot configure a switch path for plans with one-time-products.
Currently, cost calculation and delegation on demand features are not supported for one-time-fee products.
To create a one-time-fee product, complete these steps:
(Optional) Adjust fulfillment parameters of the created product.
Following the guidelines below, prepare an Excel file, based on which the plan will be created. You can use this file for reference.
RecurringType = One Time
AutoRenew = Disabled
AlignBillingOrderWithStatementDay = False
No subscription periods must be defined in the file. In that case, 0-months periods will be created automatically.
Billing Periods
= 0 months -
The following fields should not be filled as they make no sense for one-time-fee products:
We recommend enabling rating engine for plans with one-time-fee products:
ProcessByRatingEngine = True
Create a plan using the prepared Excel file.
Configure setup fee in the created plan.
As a result, your one-time-purchase product is created and can be offered to your customers.