File Requirements
Important: An extensive product portfolio and wide distribution chain exceeding 1000 resellers may affect the reseller synchronization performance. If this is your case, please contact your Account Manager to check if there is a solution.
This topic describes sheets and columns presented in the Excel file that is imported and exported using PLM, and requirements for the file.
It must be a valid Excel (*.xslx) file.
It must include products and plans that belong to only one product line.
The names of columns in the same sheet must be unique. If there are two columns with the same name, you will not be able to upload the file.
It has the sheets and columns listed below.
Note: Sheet and column order is ignored during file processing. After importing an Excel file with the initial configuration, you can edit only a limited list of parameters by importing another file. These parameters are marked as Editable in the tables below. Please ensure that the uploaded configuration fits your business needs. To modify other fields, the corresponding objects need to be first removed from the Control Panel and the configuration file needs to be imported again.
Structure Requirements
This sheet is optional. It is added automatically during the file export and contains supplementary information that helps you to create the correct file for import. It describes all sheets and columns stating their mandatory and default settings.
This sheet is mandatory. It outlines a list of resources (products), which will be used for plan creation. It is not used for creation of new products.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable Name_EN
No No
Name_EN (the value from the EN locale will be filled in with other locales if columns Name_XX are empty)
A product or resource name for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Note: This influences a Product name in PLM, and a Resource name, Resource Rate, and Resource Rate Period in the classic PCP.
Yes Description_EN
Yes Description_XX
Description_EN (the value from the EN locale will be filled in with other locales if columns Description_XX are empty)
A product or resource description for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Yes ResourceCategory
If a resource category does not exist and it is required, you need to add a ResourceCategories sheet (see below).
Same as in the list of existing UOMs on a particular CloudBlue Commerce instance. For example, Item.
Add this column and set a value in it if the current value needs to be changed. It is case-sensitive.
Yes Measurable
True / False
Add this column and set a value in it if the current value needs to be changed.
Yes ServicePlans
Note: During plan creation, PLM creates Resource Rates, which can be seen in the classic panel. For every Resource Rate, PLM automatically creates a Resource Rate Period for each subscription period in a plan, even if there is only one subscription period in the plan.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable No
It is used to change an existing plan name. To rename a plan:
The existing name (to be changed) must be specified in the OldName_N column,
The new name must be specified instead of the existing name (to be changed) in the Name_EN field,
This new name also must be specified instead of the existing name (to be changed) in all other sheets of the file (PlanPeriods, ResourceRates, CancelationPolicies, DownsizePolicies, and OpUnitServicePlans),
Optionally, names in other locales and descriptions may be updated.
Several OldName_N columns can be used to track a renaming history. Recommendation for the GCSPdM team: track the whole history of plan renaming in the OldName_N columns so that providers can rename plans at any time with the latest PPR no matter how many PPRs (months) they have skipped up until then.
No Name_EN
Renaming works only together with the OldName_N column.
Yes Name_XX
A plan name for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Renaming works only together with the OldName_N column.
Yes Description_EN
Renaming works only together with the OldName_N column.
Yes Description_XX
A plan description for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Renaming works only together with the OldName_N column.
Yes PlanCategory
It will be created if it does not exist.
Yes ServiceTerms
Service Terms must be created in advance.
Yes SalesCategory_(1...N)
Name of the existing or a new category. If a new category is specified, it must be defined in the SalesCategories sheet.
No BillingPeriodDuration
Integer number
No BillingPeriodType
Month(s) / Year(s)
No AlignBillingOrderWithStatementDay
True / False
No NewDayOfStatement
Integer number
By default, it is empty. This means that it is defined by Customer Class settings.
No AlignSalesOrderWithStatementDay
True / False
This can be set to True only if AlignBillingOrderWithStatementDay is True. No FirstBillingPeriodForFree
True / False
No PricePeriod
Billing Period
Billing Period / Month
Set Recurring Price per billing period or month.
Yes RecurringType
Charge Before Billing Period
Charge After Billing Period
Charge Before Subscription Period
Use External Rating
One Time
Billing Model
No AutoRenew
Before Expiration
On Last Statement Day
Before Expiration
Yes RenewOrderInterval
Integer number
Renewal Point (days)
Works only if AutoRenew = Before Expiration.
Yes AutoRenewPlan
A name of a plan that is configured in upgrade paths must be specified here.
An empty value means that the same plan will be automatically renewed.
Yes AutoRenewPeriod
Integer number
Works only if and must be specified when AutoRenew = On Last Statement Day or Before Expiration.
AutoRenewPeriod with AutoRenewPeriodType define a subscription period from the current or another plan for renewal.
Yes AutoRenewPeriodType
The default period can be specified only if AutoRenewPlan is empty (a plan will not be changed during auto-renewal). This means that a subscription will be renewed for the same subscription period.
Yes No
True / False
This enables the platform capability to schedule plan changes (upsize, downsize, upgrade, downgrade, and the billing period change) at the renewal date. This must be used only if the vendor of a product allows these changes as well.
Yes WelcomeNotificationTemplate
No ExpirationNotificationTemplate
If a subscription expiration template is defined, subscription expiration notifications are sent only on the expiration day and for every subscription that expires. It does not matter whether a renewal order is placed or a customer account is active.
No ProcessByRatingEngine
True / False
Only False to True editing is available. Disabling of the new RE for a plan is unsupported by design. For additional information, refer to Setting 'Costs Only', 'Revenue Only', or 'Revenue and Costs' Rating Mode for Service Plans.
Yes BillingPeriodAlignment No Subscription Period Start Subscription Period Start / Subscription Period Expiration
This is a part of co-terming settings. Refer to this section to learn more about co-terming. Yes CotermingPossibilities No Restricted Restricted /
Allowed /
Fixed Date Provided by Vendor
Defines the co-terming mode.
Refer to this section to learn more about co-terming.
Yes ExpirationDateAlignedWithEndOfMonth No False True /
Allows aligning subscription expiration date with the end of month.
This is a part of co-terming settings. Refer to this section to learn more about co-terming.
Yes ExpirationDateAlignedWithSubscription No False True /
Allows selecting a subscription to co-term with.
This is a part of co-terming settings. Refer to this section to learn more about co-terming.
Yes BillingAlignmentResellerRedefineAllowed No False True /
Enables alignment of billing dates to a specific day of month defined for the reseller account.
Learn more about calendar billing in this section.
Yes No
It is possible to define several upgrade paths.
No SubscriptionStartDateAfterUpgrade
Date of upgrade
Date of Upgrade
Start Date of Current Subscription Period
It is the same for all upgrade paths.
No No
True / False
Used to share a plan with operating units (CountryCode = value of InitWizardCountryCode account custom attribute). If your OpUnits have customized prices, T&C or sales categories, disable propagation of these entities as described in this article.
No No
It is used to share a plan with direct resellers. Specify a RESELLERGATE service template name.
No Published
True / False
Used to publish or unpublish a plan for all accounts (operating units and resellers configured under them) with whom the plan is shared. If for some operating unit the Published parameter must be different, its value can be overridden in the OpUnitServicePlans column.
If empty, no changes will be made.
Yes VendorTimezone
UTC / Default
If not specified, the default time zone that is configured for CloudBlue Commerce installation is used.
No TermsConditions_(1...N)
It is possible to define several T&C.
No CompositeResources
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable CompositeResourceName_EN
No CompositeResourceName_XX
Name_EN (the value from the EN locale will be filled in with other locales if columns Name_XX are empty)
A product or resource name for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Note: This influences a Product name in PLM, and a Resource name, Resource Rate, and Resource Rate Period in the classic PCP.
Yes CompositeResourceDescription_EN
A product or resource description for EN locale.
Yes CompositeResourceDescription_XX
Description_EN (the value from the EN locale will be filled in with other locales if columns Description_XX are empty)
A product or resource description for other locales. XX is a language code (for example, DE, FR or IT).
Yes IncludedResourceName_1 Yes The name of the resource (product) #1 included into the composite resource (product). At least 1 included resource must be defined for composite resource creation: both name and amount. No IncludedResourceAmount_1 Yes The amount of the first resource (product) #1 included into composite resource (product). At least 1 included resource must be defined for composite resource creation: both name and amount. No IncludedResourceName_X No The name of the resource (product) #2..X included into the composite resource (product). No IncludedResourceAmount_X No The amount of the resource (product) #2..X included into the composite resource (product). No ResourceCategory
If a resource category does not exist and it is required, you need to add a ResourceCategories sheet (see below).
Same as in the list of existing UOMs on a particular CloudBlue Commerce instance. For example, Item.
Add this column and set a value in it if the current value needs to be changed. It is case-sensitive.
Yes MPN Yes Manufacturer part number Yes PlanSwitchPaths
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable FromPlan
The source plan name No ToPlan
The destination plan name
No ImmediateSwitchAllowed
True True / False
Defines if immediate switch is allowed Yes SubsStartDateAfterSwitch
Date of switch
Date of switch / Start Date of Current Subscription Period
Defines the subscription start date after switch Yes SubsPeriodChange
Not allowed / Any available period / Same or longer period Defines if duration change is allowed, and if allowed to which period Yes UpsizeAllowed
True / False
Defines if upsize is allowed. To manage upsize policies, the UpgradeResourceMapping sheet must be added.
Yes DownsizeAllowed
True / False
Defines if downsize is allowed. To manage downsize policies, the UpgradeResourceMapping setting must be added.
Yes PartialSwitchAllowed
True / False
Defines if it is allowed to switch a portion of seats to higher grade SKU
Yes RemoveSwitchPath
True / False
Allows to remove obsolete switch paths Yes PlanPeriods
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable ServicePlan
No Period
Integer number
This parameter together with PeriodType defines subscription period duration.
No PeriodType
Month(s) / Year(s)
No Trial
True / False
No AfterRefundPeriod
Refund Prorated Recurring Fee
No Refund
Refund Prorated Recurring Fee
No CancellationType
Plan and Resource Rates until Expiration Date
For the RE microservice, only these two values are supported:
Plan and Resource Rates until Expiration Date
If a cancellation policy is defined, it will be used instead.
No CancellationFeeValue
Integer number
Works only for CancellationType = Custom
No No
True / False
Used to define whether a subscription period is active. It can be changed for existing subscription periods.
Yes FullRefundPeriod
Integer number
No ResourceRates
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable ServicePlan
No Resource
No IncUnits Yes -
Integer number or floating point number (precision =2)
-1 for Unlimited
Yes MinUnits
Integer number or floating point number (precision =2)
-1 for Unlimited
Yes MaxUnits
Integer number or floating point number (precision =2)
-1 for Unlimited
Yes Measurable
True / False
Yes AllowModificationInTrial No False True / False No ShowZeroRecurringFeeInOrder
True / False
Yes ShowZeroSetupFeeInOrder No False True / False Yes ShowZeroOveruseFeeInOrder
True / False
Yes SetupFeePerUnit
True / False
No RecurringFeePerUnit
True / False
No CancellationPolicies
This sheet is optional. It is used to define a more sophisticated policy when the FullRefundPeriod and AfterRefundPeriod settings in the PlanPeriods sheet are not enough. For example, Office NCE subscriptions. For additional information, refer to Cancellation and Downsize Policy.
• This works only with the new Rating Engine (RE) enabled (ServicePlans > ProcessByRatingEngine = True).
• After uploading a file with updated policy settings, all the previous settings will be overridden.
• You need to either specify actions applicable to the First and Next Subscription Periods, or choose All Subscription Periods in the configuration file.
• When defining a cancellation policy, you may specify periods and rules to be applied during these periods. From the cancellation allowance point of view, the whole subscription period is divided into the following periods and in the following sequence:
1. The period when a cancellation is allowed and a full refund is provided.
2. The period when a cancellation is allowed and a prorated refund is provided.
3. The remaining period during which a cancellation may be either prohibited or allowed with no refund or cancellation penalty.If the policy is defined here, these values in the PlanPeriods sheet are not used by RE:
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable ServicePlan
ServicePlans > Name_EN
No Period
Integer number
Periods from the PlanPeriods sheet.
No PeriodType
Month(s) / Year(s)
No Trial
True / False
No Action
Full Refund
Prorated Refund
No Refund
Cancellation Penalty
Full Refund: A cancellation is allowed with a full refund.
Prorated Refund: A cancellation is allowed with a prorated refund.
No Refund: A cancellation is allowed without a refund.
Cancellation Penalty:
A cancellation is allowed. However, a cancellation penalty is charged for a period from the next billing date to the subscription expiration date.
The period for a cancellation with a penalty must follow full or prorated refund periods.
Prohibited: A cancellation is prohibited.
- If the full and prorated refund periods do not cover the whole subscription period, a cancellation will be prohibited for the remaining days.
- If you need to prohibit a cancellation for a whole subscription period, use the combination of the Action = Prohibited with ActionPeriod = -1.No ActionPeriod
Integer number
A number of days starting from the beginning of a subscription period.
value means a whole subscription period.When calculating the remaining period, the general period calculation algorithm is used. Learn more about this in the Period Calculation Algorithm section.
No ActionPeriodTimezone
From Plan
Defines the time zone in which CloudBlue Commerce must count days specified in ActionPeriod.
Customer: A customer's time zone.
From Plan: A time zone configured in a service plan.
No ApplicableTo
First Subscription Period
Next Subscription Periods
All Subscription Periods
First Subscription Period: The policy is applied after a sales order.
Next Subscription Periods: The policy is applied after a renewal order.
All Subscription Periods: The policy is applied in the same way for all periods.
Important: You need to either specify rules applicable to the First and Next Subscription Periods, or choose All Subscription Periods in the configuration file.
No DownsizePolicies
This sheet is optional. It is used to define a more sophisticated policy. For example, Office NCE subscriptions. For additional information, refer to Cancellation and Downsize Policy.
• This works only with the new Rating Engine (RE) enabled (ServicePlans > ProcessByRatingEngine = True).
• After uploading a file with updated policy settings, all the previous settings will be overridden.
• You need to either specify actions applicable to the First and Next Subscription Periods, or choose All Subscription Periods in the configuration file.
• When defining a downsize policy, you may specify periods and rules to be applied during these periods. From the downsize allowance point of view, the whole subscription period is divided into the following periods and in the following sequence:
1. The period when a downsize is allowed and a full refund is provided.
2. The period when a downsize is allowed and a prorated refund is provided.
3. The remaining period during which a downsize may be either prohibited or allowed but only after previously made upsize.Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable ServicePlan
ServicePlans > Name_EN
No Period
Integer number
Periods from the PlanPeriods sheet.
No PeriodType
Month(s) / Year(s)
No Trial
True / False
No Action
Full Refund: Downsizing is allowed with a full refund.
Prorated Refund: Downsizing is allowed with a prorated refund.
Note: If the full and prorated refund periods do not cover the whole subscription period, downsizing will be prohibited for the remaining days.
Not Allowed Except For After Upsize: Downsizing is not allowed except for cases when resources were previously upsized. For this policy, the one day of a full refund, then a prorated refund till the end of the allowed downsize period is applied.
Note: For Not Allowed Except For After Upsize, ActionPeriod is always set to
because the action period is defined by the vendor and is received from the fulfillment system. -
Prohibited: Downsizing is prohibited.
No Refund: Downsizing is allowed without a refund.
No ActionPeriod
Integer number
A number of days starting from the beginning of a subscription period.
value means till the end of a subscription period.The
value is the only possible option for Prohibited and Not Allowed Except For After Upsize actions.No ActionPeriodTimezone
From Plan
Defines the time zone in which CloudBlue Commerce must count days specified in ActionPeriod.
Customer: A customer's time zone.
From Plan: A time zone configured in a service plan.
No ApplicableTo
First Subscription Period
Next Subscription Periods
All Subscription Periods
First Subscription Period: The policy is applied after a sales order.
Next Subscription Periods: The policy is applied after a renewal order.
All Subscription Periods: The policy is applied in the same way for all periods.
Important: You need to either specify rules applicable to the First and Next Subscription Periods, or choose All Subscription Periods in the configuration file.
No SalesCategories
This sheet is optional. It defines sales categories that are used in the ServicePlan sheet. The SalesCategories sheet must be created.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable Name_EN
If a category with the specified name already exists, it will be used to create a plan (a new one with the same name will not be created).
No Name_X
No Description_EN
No Description_X
No ParentCategory
It must be created in advance. It will not be created if it does not exist.
No ResourceCategories
This sheet is optional. It defines resource categories that are used in the Resources sheet. The ResourceCategories sheet must be created.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable Name_EN
If a category with the specified name already exists, it will be used (a new one with the same name will not be created).
No Name_X
No Description_EN
No Description_X
No NotificationTemplates
This sheet is optional.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable TemplateName
No Language
A two-letter code (ISO 639)
No MessageType
Subscription Notifications
Subscription Notifications
No MessageCategory
Renewal and Expiration Notices
No Subject
No ToAddr
No ToName
No BccAddr
No FromAddr
No FromName
No PDFFileName
No Active
True / False
No Condition
No VisibleToReseller
True / False
No Security
True / False
No Yes
Yes PlainText
Yes ResourceDependencies
This sheet is optional.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable ChildResource
No ParentResource
No DependenceKind
Conflicts on Subscription level
Conflicts on Account level
No DependenceMultiplier
Integer number
Works only for the Requires dependence kind.
No UpgradeResourceMapping
This sheet is optional.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable FromResource
No ToResource_1(2,3…N)
No TermsConditions
This sheet is optional. It defines T&C that must be created. It works together with the ServicePlans and OpUnitServicePlan sheets.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable Name
No Acceptance
On first purchase and after every T&C change
Always, on every purchase
Only on a first purchase
On first purchase and after every T&C change
On every purchase and after every T&C change
No Active
True / False
No Content
No OpUnitServicePlans
This sheet is optional. It defines which T&C must be created for which operating units.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable OpUnit
No ServicePlanName
No TermsConditions_(1...N)
No Published
True / False
It is used to override the default value set in the ServicePlans column.
Yes No It is used to share a plan with resellers configured under an operating unit. Specify the RESELLERGATE service template name.
No OpUnitResourceCategories
This sheet is optional. It defines a specific tax category for a resource category at the operating unit level.
It works only for operating units (L1).
It does not change anything at L0 (a resource category owner level). For L0, tax categories are configured manually.
It does not change anything for resellers under an operating unit level (L2). L2 resellers configure their tax categories themselves.
Column Name Mandatory Column Default Value (if an optional field is empty or not provided). No default value means that the value will be empty for this parameter Possible Value Comments Editable OpUnit
This is the value of the InitWizardCountryCode account custom attribute of the operating unit.
No ResourceCategoryName
The resource category used here must be specified in the ResourceCategories tab even if it already exists in the platform.
No TaxCategory
The tax category ID. This must be created manually in advance.
No -