
Audience and Purpose

This guide is intended for integration software developers whose objective is to integrate CloudBlue Commerce with third-party systems to ensure customer fraud screening, validation and eligibility checks in compliance with the respective business processes and applicable anti-fraud legislation.

This guide describes how fraud screening plugins can be developed using the CloudBlue Commerce Fraud Screening component.

Important: Before creating a custom plugin, please learn about plugins available out of the box.

Installing Fraud Screening Component

To deploy the Fraud Screening SDK component, refer to Installing Fraud Screening SDK.

Implementing Fraud Screening Solutions

To implement a fraud screening solution:

  1. Install or upgrade to the necessary CloudBlue Commerce version.
  2. Install the Fraud Screening SDK as explained above.
  3. Develop the necessary fraud screening plugins using the Fraud Screening SDK as described further in this guide.
  4. Deploy the developed plugins to your CloudBlue Commerce installation:
    1. Deploy the plugins to the /var/www/pa-fraud-sdk directory.
    2. Return to the CloudBlue Commerce provider control panel. Go to Billing > System > Settings. Click Fraud Screening in the Operations section. Make sure the plugins are displayed in the list.
  5. Configure the plugins in CloudBlue Commerce provider control panel. For more information, please refer to CloudBlue Commerce Billing Provider's Guide.
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