Setting Up Integration with Microsoft Entra ID Using SAML

Note: The IDP version 1.2-71 is required for integration with Microsoft Entra ID.

Step 1. Choose a Brand

  1. Enable the Identity Service.
  2. Select an existing brand for which you plan to set up the integration, for example, "".

Step 2. Create an Enterprise Application in Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure, select your tenant and open Microsoft Entra ID from the menu on the left.
  2. Select Enterprise applications and click New application.
  3. Choose Non-gallery application and specify its name as "oss-brand-<brand domain>".
  4. Select Users and Groups, click Add user and add the "CanSSOtoCBC" group to allow Microsoft Entra ID users of this group to log in to CloudBlue Commerce.
  5. Select Single Sign-On, then choose the SAML SSO method. In the Basic SAML Configuration tile, enter the following values:

    Identifier (Entity ID)https://<brand_domain>/auth/realms/sr<brand_id>
    Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)https://<brand_domain>/auth/realms/sr<brand_id>/broker/saml/endpoint
    Sign on URLhttps://<brand_domain>/auth/realms/sr<brand_id>/broker/saml/endpoint

    Where: <brand_id> is the brand identifier in CloudBlue Commerce.

  6. Go to the SAML Signing Certificate tile and download the Base 64 SAML Signing Certificate.
  7. Go to the Set up tile and copy the login URL value from it.

    To sum up, you must obtain the following parameters from Microsoft Entra ID:

    ParameterValue example
    Login URL
    Certificate (Base64)file:

Step 3. Configure External IDP Service

  1. Log in to the PCP, then go to Services > Identity Service.
  2. In the External IDP Service tab, select a brand.
  3. Check the External IDP service enabled checkbox and specify these parameters:

    Parameter Example Notes
    External IDP Login URL The Login URL value from Step 2
    External IDP Logout URL The Login URL value from Step 2
    External IDP display name Microsoft Entra ID A human-readable name
    External IDP certificate in PEM format -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDjjCCAnYCCQCErQYi+gB/0jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMC .... -----END CERTIFICATE----- The Certificate (Base64) value from Step 2
    External IDP username SAML assertion attribute

    The SAML assertion attribute that designates the user log-in name in OSS

Step 4. Create a User

Now, you can create a user in CloudBlue Commerce. The user log-in name must be equal to the value of the SAML assertion attribute set for External IDP username SAML assertion attribute at the previous step.

Important: Users are not created automatically, they must be created beforehand in CloudBlue Commerce.

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