Price Manager Overview
Price manager is a
component that stores price data for the whole distribution chain in and defines pricing strategies. It allows a user to set and manage the prices, and processes incoming requests for price data from other components or external systems.Price Manager has two operating modes:
Proxy mode (proxy). Serves as a transitional step. When you enable Price Manager in proxy mode, requests for prices from components that support Price Manager will no longer go to BSS directly, but through Price Manager serving as a proxy. Although doing so does not add new features immediately, this will ensure a smooth transition to Price Manager once the prod mode is enabled.
Production mode (production). In this mode, Price Manager serves as a source of price and ensures price management. In this mode Price Manager's UI becomes available in UX1, replacing price management capabilities that existed previously in .
The latest Price Manager version has the following capabilities:
In proxy mode, it ensures all price management scenarios, while acting as a proxy to BSS.
Note: If you experience any issues with specific price management scenarios when Price Manager is enabled, you can disable some of them as explained in this section.
In production mode, it takes over price management:
Adds new UI screen, where prices for all fees of plans and products in your portfolio can be viewed.
Enables you to specify a date on which to view the prices.
Brings privileges that can be used to limit operations available to a user.
Provides export capabilities to get the currently configured prices.
Allows importing prices and SKUs for your portfolio. For prices to be changed in the future, the effective date can be specified.
Lets you to configure recommended prices that your resellers can use as default.
Known Limitations
Currently, there is the following limitation on using Price Manager:
The PlaceOrderAndAuthorize_API XML-RPC API method does not work with Price Manager installed.
Currently, Price Manager does not support Margin Protection. If you need to use Margin Protection, do not enable the production mode of Price Manager.
Price Manager must not be enabled on the installations where Usage Collector is installed and operating units configured directly under the provider account. this limitation will be removed in one of the next BSS releases.
Note: This limitation is removed with the BSS 21.17.326 release.
Currently, Price Manager does not support switch and cancellation fees.