
This APS type must be implemented by APS applications that supply identifiers of products on the service vendor side to the provider. For example, such an identifier can be a subscription ID on the vendor side. The provider needs these parameters to periodically consolidate their balance with billing documents received from vendors.


The considered APS type (download) looks as follows:

  "name": "ExternalIdentifiers",
  "id": "http://aps-standard.org/types/core/external/identifiers/1.0",
  "apsVersion": "2.0",
  "implements": [
  "properties": {
    "vendorSubscriptionId": {
      "type": "string",
      "title": "Vendor subscription identifier"


In the current version of the platform, the only property in the above schema is vendorSubscriptionId. This is a string representing a subscription ID on the service vendor side.


In an APS package, the custom APS type (known as the tenant) that implements the SubscriptionService APS type must also implement the ExternalIdentifiers APS type. This enables the provider to extract the external subscription ID to use the latter in business reports.


An APS package considered here contains a custom tenant APS type that implements typical abstract types, including the ExternalIdentifiers APS type:

   "apsVersion" : "2.0",
   "name" : "tenant",
   "id" : "http://aps.odin.com/app/test-apsconnect/tenant/1.0",
   "implements" : [
   /* Other parts */

After the product deployment based on this APS package is completed, customers can subscribe to a respective service plan. Every subscription will contain the tenant APS resources implementing the ExternalIdentifiers APS type. Therefore it is possible to extract the external subscription ID by sending the following request to the APS application endpoint:

GET https://<app-endpoint>/tenants/<tenant-APS-ID>