Migration to Docker Containers

The Docker-based Deployment method appeared after the application integrators started using the Deployment in a Shared Apache Web Space method. This may cause the providers to migrate from the older method to the newer one. The document explains a typical process of migrating an existing APS connector along with the APS application instance in it to the newer endpoint infrastructure.

Migration Steps

Common configuration for the two methods is:

  • An APS connector is installed on a virtual web server with similar configuration for both methods.

  • The APS connectors are based on the same framework type, typically this is the APS PHP runtime.

The difference between the two methods (first method - Deployment in a Shared Apache Web Space, and the second - Docker-based Deployment):

  • In the first method, all APS connectors use the same virtual web server as configured by the endpoint.sh utility. All APS connectors share the same APS PHP runtime instance. It is possible to change it by creating a separate virtual web host for every APS container with a more complex configuration.

  • In the second method, every APS connector runs in its own web server and uses its own APS PHP runtime, all wrapped in an isolated Docker container.


The following steps are recommended for implementing the migration:

  1. Analyze the initial state based on the Deployment in a Shared Apache Web Space method.

  2. Ensure the platform is ready to use the Docker-based Deployment.

  3. Get a new version of the APS package with the Docker-based Deployment configuration and its image in a Docker registry.

  4. Install an APS connector using the application image in a Docker registry.

  5. Copy the essential data from the current APS connector to the new one.

  6. Upgrade the APS application deployment on the platform.

  7. Upgrade the APS application instance.

  8. Test if the updated deployment works as expected.

Analyze the Initial State

In our example, we have an APS application deployed in the APS ecosystem using the Deployment in a Shared Apache Web Space method. The migration requires the following details about the deployed APS connector:

  • The host name or IP address of the server that contains the APS connector, for example, endpoint.a.isv1.apsdemo.org.

  • The folder on that server that contains the web space with the installed APS connector, for example, /var/www/html/starter/.

Ensure Platform Readiness

Walk through the following steps in the provider control panel (PCP) to ensure the platform is ready to use the Docker-based Deployment to deploy APS applications.

  1. Navigate to System > Settings and click on the Docker Registry Settings link to ensure the platform uses the same host name for the Docker registry as used by the APS application whose deployment you are migrating.


    The docker public registry host name is docker.io.

  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Service Nodes and ensure there is a server implementing the APS Endpoint Node role. If it does not exist, register one as explained in the Register Endpoint Host section.

In this document, we suppose the host name is docker-endpoint.a.isv1.apsdemo.org. Therefore, we must migrate the APS connector along with the APS application instance from the endpoint.a.isv1.apsdemo.org server (as discovered in the Analyze the Initial State step) to the docker-endpoint.a.isv1.apsdemo.org server.

Analyze the upgraded APS Package

The upgraded APS package must comply with the following requirements.

  • The Docker registry used by the platform (see the Ensure Platform Readiness step) must store the APS connector image.

  • The stored image tag must be the same as the value assigned to the <imageName> element in the deployment.xml file of the package. The file may look as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    In the above code, the tag is apsdemo/starter.

  • The stored image tag version must be the same as the package version specified by the <version> and <release> elements in the APP-META.xml file, for example:


    In accordance with the above code, the package version and the tag version must be 2.0-0.

Install the APS Connector

Install the target APS connector as follows.

  1. Connect to the new endpoint host through SSH, for example:

    $ ssh root@docker-endpoint.a.isv1.apsdemo.org
    [root@docker-endpoint ~]#
  2. Create a Docker container using the APS application image as discovered in the Analyze the upgraded APS Package step. For example:

    # docker run -d -P -t apsdemo/starter:2.0-0
    Unable to find image 'apsdemo/starter:2.0-0' locally
    Trying to pull repository docker.io/apsdemo/starter ...
    // The other messages are missed here for brevity
    Digest: sha256:5e2447c0bd786a04f49acc77dcac3e450209b6f36c51ab6a89d5cd4ee7933d39
    Status: Downloaded newer image for docker.io/apsdemo/starter:2.0-0
  3. Verify the container state and find its ID:

    # docker ps
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                  COMMAND                  PORTS
    2839abc48121  apsdemo/starter:2.0-0  "/bin/sh -c 'sh /root">1443/tcp

    Some columns are missing from the above printout for brevity.

Migrate Essential Data

Now, when you have two APS connectors, you need to copy from the current APS connector the essential data that is not stored in the image of the new APS connector. Among that data, the most important are SSL certificates. The transfer of the latter will actually transfer the APS application instance, and this allows you to switch the APS controller to using the same APS application instance at the new place.

  1. Copy the SSL certificates from one server to the other, for example:

    # scp -r root@endpoint.a.isv1.ap.int.zone:/var/www/html/starter/config .
    # ls -al config/
    total 28
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 May 22 18:29 .
    dr-xr-x---. 16 root root 4096 May 22 18:29 ..
    -rw-------   1 root root 4211 May 22 18:29 5cbcd225-e368-496a-9149-a41fffb24908
    -rw-------   1 root root 1196 May 22 18:29 5cbcd225-e368-496a-9149-a41fffb24908.apsc.pem
    -rw-------   1 root root 2818 May 22 18:29 5cbcd225-e368-496a-9149-a41fffb24908.pem
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root   31 May 23 13:48 .htaccess
  2. Find the correct place for the config folder inside the container as in the following example:

    # docker exec -i -t 2839abc48121 /bin/bash
    # [root@2839abc48121 /]# ls -al /var/www/aps-php-runtime/scripts/config/
    total 4
    drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache  22 May 23 09:28 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 apache apache 111 Mar 20 12:09 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache  31 Mar 20 12:03 .htaccess
    [root@2839abc48121 /]# exit

    To enter inside the container you use the container ID as discovered in the Install the APS Connector step.

  3. Copy that content into the container:

    # docker cp config 2839abc48121:/var/www/aps-php-runtime/scripts/
  4. Change the owner of the copied SSL certificates for apache:

    # docker exec -i -t 2839abc48121 /bin/bash
    [root@2839abc48121 /]# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/aps-php-runtime/scripts/config
    [root@2839abc48121 /]# exit

Upgrade the APS Application in the Platform

To switch the APS controller to the APS application instance at the new place, run the APS instance upgrade. The latter is available after importing the APS application of the higher version. Complete the following steps in the PCP:

  1. Navigate to Services > Applications.

  2. Click Import Package and upload the upgraded APS package. After the package is successfully loaded, it must upgrade the application version in the platform.

  3. Register the new APS connector in the platform using the pem.APS.registerAutoDeployedBackend method with the following input:

    • host_id, for example, 2: the ID of the server that implements the APS Endpoint role. You will find it in the PCP by opening the list of registered service nodes.

    • app_instance_id, for example, 10: the ID of the APS application instance. Find it in the PCP by opening the list of APS instances.

    • container_id, for example, 2839abc48121: the Docker container ID you have created in the Install the APS Connector step.

    • uri, for example, https://docker-endpoint.a.isv1.ap.int.zone:32772/endpoint: the new APS application endpoint URI. In this URL, the host name is the domain name or IP address of the endpoint host, the port is the TCP port on the endpoint host mapped to the container internal host as in the Install the APS Connector step, and the remaining suffix is specified in the deployment.xml file, as may noticed in the Analyze the upgraded APS Package step.

If you have a special XML-API server on your premises, the configuration of the pem.APS.registerAutoDeployedBackend method looks as follows:


The other way is to use the cURL utility as explained in the Platform XML-RPC API documentation. In this case, use the following XML request and response as examples.

XML-RPC request

<?xml version='1.0'?>

XML-RPC response

<?xml version='1.0'?>

Upgrade the APS Application Instance

The final step is to upgrade the APS application instance data in the APS controller database. This will make the APS controller start using the new version of the APS application instance at the new place (the new URL).

  1. In the PCP, open the upgraded application and then open the APS application instance.

  2. Click Upgrade to make the required changes.

The application instance version must change for the new version and the Application API end-point URI must show the new URI.

Test the Updated Deployment

Test the updated deployment using a customer subscription. Open the customer control panel and try various provisioning, updating, custom, and deleting operations.