Purchase Request Parameters

In this section you will find the parameters required in requests to purchase Commercial products.

Note: To see an example of the activation parameters in json format, refer to the Activation Parameters Example section.

Parameter ID Required Value / Description
tenant_preference Yes

One of the following strings must be used:

  • new: This string is used if a new Microsoft CSP account must be created.

  • existing: This string is used if an existing Microsoft CSP account must be used.

microsoft_domain Yes An onmicrosoft.com domain must be provided. For example: mycompanyDomain.onmicrosoft.com
partner_on_record_attestation_accepted Required for new orders only in the Distribution model. If you are a Direct Billed partner this parameter is not required.

In the case of new orders if you use the Distribution sales model, this parameter must be set to true. In change orders, this parameter is not needed. For example:


"attestation_accepted": True,


Remember that If you are a Direct Billed partner this parameter is not required.

Parameters for Confirming the Microsoft Customer Agreement

The parameters in the following table are used to confirm the Microsoft Customer Agreement and they will be required when the value of the tenant_preference parameter is new. In the case of Existing CSP customers (when the value of the tenant_preference parameter is existing) the parameters will only be required if the MCA has not been accepted.

Parameter ID Description
mca_acceptance The parameter must be set to yes to confirm that the MCA has been accepted.
agreement_date Date when the Microsoft Customer Agreement was accepted in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY
first_name_agreement First name of the individual at the customer's organization who accepted the MCA.
last_name_agreement Last name of the individual at the customer's organization who accepted the MCA.
email_address_agreement Email address of the individual at the customer's organization who accepted the MCA.

Note: To see an example of the activation parameters in json format, refer to the Activation Parameters Example section.

Customer and Company Information Parameters

The following parameters are only required when the customer details or the company information did not pass Microsoft's validation.

Parameter ID Value / Description
effective_address Business address line
effective_city City of your business
effective_state String with the corresponding State / Province / Region.
effective_postal_code ZIP or Postal Code
effective_country Country two-letter code. For example, US

The customer's company name following these rules:

  • It must consist of more than one unique character.

  • Names consisting of only special characters (such as &$'#~+@=%*,()\;!/-._[]{}<>|:) must not be used.

  • Tabs or spaces must not be used.

  • Standalone abbreviations must not be used (LLC, Inc., c p a, c.p.a, l l p, l.l.c, corp, corporation, inc., copr., LLC., LLP., incorporated, limited, pty, pty Ltd, pet Ltd, private limited, pet, pet Ltd, gmbh, plc, will, lda, sarl, kft, ltda, zrt, ooo, Ltd, Ltd., snd, bhd, etc.).

    For example, "LLC" will be rejected, but "MyCompanyName LLC" will be accepted.


The customer email must follow these rules:

  • The domain must not be @microsoft.com

  • The customer email domain must not be the same as the Partner Email Domain.

Requests to Purchase Education and Nonprofit Products

New customers cannot purchase Education and Nonprofit products, as they are only available for eligible organizations. As the eligibility validation process is done directly with Microsoft, no parameters need to be sent in the request to purchase these products.

Checking Qualified Domains as a State-Owned Entity

From now on, Microsoft will require to identify customers that should be treated as state-owned. This means that if the Microsoft order is being purchased for a customer meeting the eligibility criteria of a State-Owned Entity, it will be required to qualify such customer as a State-Owned Entity.

Parameter ID Required Value / Example Description
special_qualifications No

One of the following values must be used:

  • None

  • StateOwnedEntity

If the customer meets the State Owned eligibility criteria, the StateOwnedEntity value must be used. Otherwise, use None.

If the StateOwnedEntity value is used, the customer's State-Owned Entity qualification it will be updated accordingly in Microsoft.

Note: The special_qualification parameter will not work on version 16. It must be replaced with the special_qualifications parameter, as specified above.

Parameters in Requests to Purchase Windows 365 with Hybrid Benefit

Parameter ID Required Value / Example Description
offer_attestation Yes

One of these values must be used:


"attestation_accepted": True,




"attestation_accepted": False,


This parameter is used to confirm that each person using Windows 365 Business with Windows Hybrid Benefit also needs to have a valid copy of Windows 10/11 Pro installed on their primary work device.

Note: To see an example of the activation parameters in json format, refer to the Activation Parameters Example section.