Configuring Adobe Credentials

The Adobe Management extension allows you to configure Adobe credentials for a particular marketplace and different environments. In this section you will learn how to:

  • Configure Adobe credentials for a marketplace.

  • Edit Adobe credentials.

Note: Once the credentials are configured in the Adobe Management Settings extension, the connector will no longer use the credentials configured in marketplace configuration parameters.

Configuring Adobe Credentials for a Marketplace

  1. Go to the Settings module in the CloudBlue Connect Distributor portal and look for the Adobe Management extension in the left menu, under Extensions.

    Note: If the Adobe Management Settings extension is not installed yet, refer to the Installing the Adobe Management extension section.

  2. Click Adobe Management extension and then click the Credentials tile.

  3. Select the tab corresponding to the environment for which you wish to configure the credentials: Test or Production.

  4. Click Add Credentials and provide the information in the following fields:

    • Product: Select the Adobe product for which you want to configure the credentials.

    • Marketplace: Select the marketplace for which you wish to configure the credentials. Only the available marketplaces available to you as a distributor will be displayed.

    • Enter the credentials in JSON format.

      OAuth example for a test environment:


      OAuth example for a production environment:



      JWT example for a test environment:

          "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- XXXXXX -----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
          "adobe_client_secret": "XXXXXXX",
          "jwt_payload": '{"iss":"XXXXX@AdobeOrg","sub":"","
          "api_key": "XXXXXX",
          "distributorid": "XXXXXXXXXX",
          "url": "",
          "jwt_url": ""

      JWT example for a production environment:

      "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- XXXXXX -----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
      "adobe_client_secret": "XXXXXXX",
      "jwt_payload": '{"iss":"XXXXX@AdobeOrg","sub":"","":true,"aud":""}',
      "api_key": "XXXXXX",
      "distributorid": "XXXXXXXXXX",
      "url": "",
      "jwt_url": ""
  5. Click Save and then click OK.

  6. Validate if the credentials are valid by clicking the corresponding Validate button. If the credentials are correct, the status will change to Valid. If an Error status is displayed, check your credentials, edit them as required and try again.

The credentials for the Test and Production environments will be displayed in corresponding tabs at the top.

Editing the credentials

If for some reason you need to edit the Adobe credentials for a particular marketplace, you can do so by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Adobe Management extension (SettingsAdobe Management).

  2. Click the Credentials tab and then select the environment: Test or Production.

  3. Click on the row corresponding to the credentials that you would like to edit.

  4. Click the pencil icon and enter the new required credentials in JSON format.

  5. Click Save and then click OK.

  6. Validate if the credentials are valid by clicking the corresponding Validate button. If the credentials are correct, the status will change to Valid. If an Error status is displayed, check your credentials, edit them as required and try again.

  7. Click Save.

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