This section describes one of the fraud screening methods used in the development of fraud screening plugins that allow CloudBlue Commerce to integrate with third-party fraud screening systems. For more information, refer to Overview and How to Develop Fraud Screening Plugins.
Method naming convention
This method performs fraud checks.
Mandatory / optional
This method is mandatory for both blacklist and non-blacklist plugins. However, it is not necessary for validation and eligibility plugins. See How to Develop Fraud Screening Plug-ins and fraud screening methods.
Input Parameters
: an object of the\FraudSDK\CheckCondition
type that defines the order data, the account data, the payment data and so on to be checked for potential fraud:DB Table Name Parameters (sub-grouped logically) Payment - DocID
- Total
- CurrencyID
- Description
- FromIP
Account - AccountID
- VendorAccountID
- Type
- AccCurrencyCurrencyID
- ClassID
- TaxRegID
- TaxRegIDStatus
- TaxZoneID
- systemID
- ExternalID
- CompanyName
- CompanyNameLatin
- Address1
- Address2
- City
- State
- Zip
- CountryID
- PostalAddress
- AdminFName
- AdminMName
- AdminLName
- AdminEmail
- AdminPhCountryCode
- AdminPhAreaCode
- AdminPhNumber
- AdminPhExtention
- AdminFaxCountryCode
- AdminFaxAreaCode
- AdminFaxNumber
- AdminFaxExtention
- BillFName
- BillMName
- BillLName
- BillEmail
- BillPhCountryCode
- BillPhAreaCode
- BillPhNumber
- BillPhExtention
- BillFaxCountryCode
- BillFaxAreaCode
- BillFaxNumber
- BillFaxExtention
- TechFName
- TechMName
- TechLName
- TechEmail
- TechPhCountryCode
- TechPhAreaCode
- TechPhNumber
- TechPhExtention
- TechFaxCountryCode
- TechFaxAreaCode
- TechFaxNumber
- TechFaxExtention
- PersFName
- PersMName
- PersLName
- Birthday
- Passport
- PersEmail
- PersPhCountryCode
- PersPhAreaCode
- PersPhNumber PersPhExtention
- PersFaxCountryCode
- PersFaxAreaCode
- PersFaxNumber
- PersFaxExtention
- TaxStatus SalesID
- BranchID
- LocaleID
AccountAttributes - ATID
- Value
Order - OrderID
- OrderNbr
- OrderTypeID
- OrderStatusID
- CurrencyID
- MerchTotal
- Total
- TaxTotal
- extraTaxTotal – calculated field (= Total - MerchTotal)
- SalesID
- BranchID
OrderDomains - Full Domain Name
OrderItems - Service Plan:
- Plan ID
- plan Name
- service Template ID
- service Template Name
- Service Plan Period:
- period in seconds
- is Trial
- setup Fee
- subscription Fee
- renewal Fee
- transfer Fee
- deposit Fee
- Subscription:
- ID
- period in seconds
- name
- start date
OrderDetails - Service Plan:
- plan ID
- plan Name
- service Template ID
- service Template Name
- BMResource:
- ID
- Name
- Descr
Return Parameters
: the fraud check result. Object of the\FraudSDK\CheckConditionResult
Relationship with other methods
- GetRequiredData returns a set of flags that define the data to be passed in the input for this method.
Implementation example. Blacklist plugin
function BlacklistDemo_CheckCondition($check_condition) { $zip = $check_condition->getCustomerZip(); $blacklist = $check_condition->getBlacklist(); $is_blacklisted = (_isZipBlacklisted($blacklist, $zip) !== FALSE); if ($is_blacklisted) { return \FraudSDK\createCheckConditionResult() ->setResultFulfilled() ->setCheckedValue($zip) ->setInBlacklist() ->setMessage('Customer ZIP code is blacklisted'); } return \FraudSDK\createCheckConditionResult() ->setResultUnfulfilled() ->setCheckedValue($zip) ->setNotInBlacklist() ->setMessage('Customer ZIP code is not blacklisted'); }