Fraud Screening Methods

Fraud screening methods are divided into several categories:

Generic methods (implemented by all plugins):

  • GetConfig: returns plug-in configuration parameters.
  • GetAccountAttributes: returns the list of additional account attribute types to install.
  • GetControlParameter: returns the plug-in control parameter to install.
  • GetRequiredData: returns the list of data required for the CheckVNE or CheckCondition calls.
  • GetRules: returns a list of plug-in rules to install.
  • GetAnswers: returns a list of strings (plug-in answers) for the conditions of a rule. These answers are displayed in GUI for the user to choose from when configuring a rule condition.
  • GetVersion: returns the major and minor version parts as an array comprised of two integers: [major, minor] (for example, [0,9] for "0.9", default is [1,0], that is "1.0"). The plug-in version is displayed on the plug-in configuration page in CloudBlue Commerce provider control panel.
  • ValidateConfigData: validates configuration parameters provided by the user on the Edit Plug-in Configuration screen in CloudBlue Commerce provider control panel.

Connection testing method:

  • TestConnection: Checks the plug-in connection to third-party systems.

Fraud screening (blacklist and non-blacklist) methods:

Validation and eligibility (V&E) method:

  • CheckVNE: checks whether the details of an order or an account are valid and the customer is eligible to place the order.
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