
This section describes one of the fraud screening methods used in the development of fraud screening plugins that allow CloudBlue Commerce to integrate with third-party fraud screening systems. For more information, refer to Overview and How to Develop Fraud Screening Plugins.

Method naming convention



This method allows CloudBlue Commerce to validate the configuration parameter values provided by the user on the Edit Plug-in Configuration screen in the provider control panel.

Mandatory / optional

This is one of the generic methods implemented optionally.

Input Parameters

  • config: an associative array of the values of configuration parameters entered by the user on the Edit Plug-in Configuration screen.

Return Parameters

  • validation_result: an object of the \FraudSDK\ValidationResult type that consists of two components:
    • a Boolean flag that indicates whether the associative array of values passed by the config parameter is valid or invalid.
    • a string message that is displayed on the Edit Plug-in Configuration screen.

Relationship with other methods


Implementation example. V&E plugin

function VNEDemo_ValidateConfigData($config)
    $result = \FraudSDK\createValidationResult();

           ->setMessage('config is valid');

    return $result;
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