Getting Resources

Get operations do not require any communication with application endpoints, since all resource properties are stored in the APS database managed by the APS controller.

Getting Resource List

Full Resource List

To get all available resources, one should issue a GET request to controller endpoint /aps/2/resources. In response, the controller will send a list of resources. Each resource is represented as a JSON object with all properties that are allowed in accordance with the security model.

The number of returned resources is indicated by the APS-Skip-Content-Range header.


GET /aps/2/resources
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Range: items 0-5/100

         "type": "",
         "id": "7ab1be46-a02c-414c-a44a-88b199ba9047",
         "status": "aps:ready",
         "revision": 3,
         "modified": "2014-02-18T10:08:26Z"
      "name": "VPS-103",
      "state": "stopped"
         "type": "",
         "id": "f276742d-9ca2-445f-9727-d84af0da73fd",
         "status": "aps:ready",
         "revision": 3,
         "modified": "2014-02-18T10:16:16Z"
      "name": "VPS-104",
      "state": "stopped"


When getting a resource list this way, the APS controller does not return the links of the resources. You can get links of resources in different ways, for example, by applying the select(<link_name>) filter or by reading a resource by its APS ID as described later.

Filtered Resource List

Several criteria may be used to filter resources in a request. These criteria are to be submitted as query parameters together with a GET request.

Filtering parameters:

Filter operator



Fetch only resources of the specified type. Specify either the instantiated type or a parent implemented by this type.

with (property,value) pair

Apply a resource requirement expression as a filter. This option has effect only when a type with a non-empty configuration is specified in the type filter. For more details on filtering expressions and the list of relational operators please refer to the Resource Query Language.


1. Children of array elements of the configuration cannot be used for filtering.

  1. You can use several comma-separated RQL operators.

Examples of filtering queries:

  • Get only resources of the type

    GET /aps/2/resources?implementing(
  • Get only VPSes of the type where CentOS-6 is installed, that is the following property is found: “,centos6”: “centos6”.

    GET /aps/2/resources?implementing(,eq(,centos6)
  • Get all VPSes of the “” type where memory is less than 1024 MB, that is search for the “hardware.memory” property.

    GET /aps/2/resources?implementing(,lt(hardware.memory,1024)
  • Get a list of VPSes along with their links to offers. This requires to use the select(<relation_name>) filter, where <relation_name> is the name of the respective relation declared in type definition.

    GET /aps/2/resources?implementing(,select(offer)
           { ... },
              "aps": { ... },
              "description": "Light weight servers",
              "hardware": { ... },
              "name": "Silver",
              "platform": { ... }
           "hardware":{ ... },
           "platform": { ... },
           "state": "Stopped",
           "name": "VPS-101",
           "description": "Simplest Web server"
           "aps": { ... },
           "offer": {
              "aps": { ... },
              "description": null,
              "hardware": { ... },
              "name": "Gold",
              "platform": { ... }
           "hardware": { ... },
           "platform": { ... },
           "state": "Stopped",
           "name": "VPS-102",
           "description": "Windows Web server"

Ordered Resource List

To retrieve resources page-by-page, the following query parameters may be used.





The starting record number.
The maximum number of records returned. If no limit is specified, the default limit of 1000 resources is applied.


Sorting in ascending order
Sorting in descending order
Order the list by this property

When paging is active, the total number of matched resources is indicated by the total attribute at the resources element in addition to the number of returned resources indicated by the count attribute.

Examples of queries:

  • Return the first 100 resources, no ordering

    GET /aps/2/resources?limit(0,100)
  • Select all offers of type, order them by memory and then by disk space, and return the first three of them.


    GET /aps/2/resources?implementing(,sort(+hardware.memory,+hardware.diskspace),limit(0,3)


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Range: items 0-2/3
              "type": "",
              "id": "f1aba008-11c5-42c1-96d2-64e90557c482",
              "diskspace": 32,
              "memory": 512
              "type": "",
              "id": "e9d1ddd2-5fc6-4022-832f-b898addd48d6",
              "diskspace": 50,
              "memory": 1024
              "type": "",
              "id": "a54153c1-6bba-45e9-9c36-db82a6c03d0a",
              "memory": 2048,
              "diskspace": 64

Getting Resource Properties

To read all properties of a resource, the REST GET request must be sent to the APS controller addressed to /aps/2/resources/{ID}. APS controller must return the JSON representation of the resource. The ID in the URL refers to the identifier of the resource being retrieved. In case of successful resource lookup, HTTP 200 should return together with a resource description, like in the example below. In case of error, an HTTP error code will be returned.


GET /aps/2/resources/80a4b75e-58a7-40e4-a148-dff560e5fa4a
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

      "aps": {
        "type": "",
        "id": "80a4b75e-58a7-40e4-a148-dff560e5fa4a"

      "login": "admin",
      "email": "",
      "title": "The test blog",
      "locale": "en",


      "environment": {
         "aps": {
           "link": "strong",
           "href": "/aps/2/resources/1203e863-e68f-400c-b06c-f4d15323e160"