Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019

Message Formats


In some methods, a format for both the request and the response can be specified using either the Content-Type header, the Accept header or adding an extension (like .json or .xml) to the request URI.

Format Detection

Detection of the Request/Response format is done according to the following priorities table:

Priority Format description
1 (highest) URL extension (like .xml or .json)
2 Content-Type Header
3 (lowest) Accept Header

If a specified header conflicts with the specified format extension, the latter takes precedence.

Supported Formats

Format Accept Header Extension Default
JSON application/json .json Yes
XML */* .xml  
APS application/aps .aps  

JSON currently is the default format for both requests and responses.

This example shows how a user or an application can get an package archive.

# curl -H 'Accept: application/aps' -E ./config/9e8dc5ed-8e02-4d76-9c5e-4d3aa63259a7.pem \
-k \

Header Accept:application/aps ensures you get the package archive. With any other value in this header, you get only general application metadata in JSON format.