Application Packaging Standard

Last updated 18-Mar-2019


This type represents an organization with users where some users have administrative permissions. The account resource must refer to administrative users via a weak link.

Account schema: download

    "apsVersion": "2.0",

    "name": "Account",

    "id": "",

    "properties": {
       "companyName": {
          "type": "string",
          "required": true
       "addressPostal": {
          "type": "",
          "required": true
    "relations": {
       "users": {
          "type": "",
          "collection": true
       "brand": {
          "type": "",
          "required": false

In a resource, the properties are filled with the following data:

Property Description
id Unique identifier of an organization
companyName Organization name
addressPostal Postal address of the organization

The relation describes a collection of links with users of the organization:

Relation Description
users Links with users of the organization, including administrators and service users