What's New in BSS
BSS 21.15.285 (March 18, 2024)
BSS 21.15.284 (March 15, 2024)
BSS 21.15.283 (March 13, 2024)
BSS 21.15.282 (March 12, 2024)
BSS 21.15.260 (February 21, 2024)
BSS 21.15.258 (February 16, 2024)
BSS 21.15.257 (February 15, 2024)
BSS 21.15.254 (February 14, 2024)
BSS 21.15.250 (February 12, 2024)
BSS 21.15.249 (February 9, 2024)
BSS 21.15.246 (February 9, 2024)
BSS 21.15.239 (January 25, 2024)
BSS 21.15.234 (January 12, 2024)
BSS 21.15.233 (January 8, 2024)
BSS 21.14.153 (December 11, 2023)
BSS 21.14.151 (December 6, 2023)
BSS 21.14.149 (December 6, 2023)
BSS 21.14.148 (December 4, 2023)
BSS 21.14.145 (November 21, 2023)
BSS 21.14.144 (November 20, 2023)
BSS 21.14.142 (November 14, 2023)
BSS 21.14.139 (November 7, 2023)
BSS 21.12.255 (November 6, 2023)
BSS 21.14.137 (November 2, 2023)
BSS 21.14.118 (October 24, 2023)
BSS 21.11.131 (October 20, 2023)
BSS 21.12.254 (October 4, 2023)
BSS 21.12.253 (September 26, 2023)
BSS 21.12.249 (September 19, 2023)
BSS 21.11.130 (September 15, 2023)
BSS 21.11.129 (August 24, 2023)
BSS 21.12.248 (August 17, 2023)
BSS 21.11.128 (August 8, 2023)
BSS 21.10.202 (April 27, 2023)
BSS 21.10.188 (April 12, 2023)
BSS 21.9.246 (February 27, 2023)
BSS 21.9.245 (February 23, 2023)
BSS 21.9.238 (February 9, 2023)
BSS 21.9.237 (February 8, 2023)
BSS 21.9.236 (February 7, 2023)
BSS 21.9.235 (February 3, 2023)
BSS 21.9.234 (February 1, 2023)
BSS 21.9.233 (January 23, 2023)
BSS 21.9.232 (January 13, 2023)
BSS 21.8.408 (January 9, 2023)
BSS 21.8.407 (December 29, 2022)
BSS 21.8.406 (December 23, 2022)
BSS 21.8.405 (December 21, 2022)
BSS 21.8.404 (November 30, 2022)
BSS 21.8.402 (November 28, 2022)
BSS 21.8.399 (October 27, 2022)
BSS 21.8.398 (October 20, 2022)
BSS 21.8.397 (September 27, 2022)
BSS 21.7.277 (September 19, 2022)
BSS 21.7.276 (September 9, 2022)
BSS 21.7.275 (August 26, 2022)
BSS 21.15.285 (March 18, 2024)
This is a patch release.
CBOA-1034 Estimation of a migration order could fail if different currencies were configured for the customer and reseller.
BSS 21.15.284 (March 15, 2024)
This is a patch release that contains internal improvements only.
BSS 21.15.283 (March 13, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38636 Adobe subscriptions migrated to CloudBlue could have incorrect expiration date.
BSS 21.15.282 (March 12, 2024)
This is a patch release.
Important: The feature PFR-7247 was reverted and is not available in this build.
OA-38591 There could be a memory leak in OSS which could cause system outage.
Note: The problem was caused by both BSS and OSS. To have it fixed, in addition to this patch, the BSS version 21.15.282 must be installed too.
BSS 21.15.275 (March 7, 2024)
This is a patch release.
PFR-7080 Now, when placing an order for Cisco annuities, the system calculates the difference between the old and the new subscription totals. This value is displayed in the UI during order placement and in the API response of an order placement call.
PFR-7247 The /estimate API calls can now be executed simultaneously for several plans.
OA-38449 The Report billing data task could fail with the Out of Memory error.
OA-38618 If special prices were configured for a subscription, they were removed after plan prices were updated and synchronized with the option to make them effective immediately.
OA-38698 Subscriptions could fail to migrate with the error ""ERROR: null value in column ""Discount_Code"" of relation ""AlreadyAccountedTcvResource"" violates not-null constraint...""
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
For calculating subscription total difference, the following component is required:
Order Management 1.16.708
BSS 21.15.260 (February 21, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38378 Subscription start dates were not aligned with the day start.
BSS 21.15.258 (February 16, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38307 Transactions could appear in the External billing status and no invoices were generated.
BSS 21.15.257 (February 15, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38328 Synchronization of the Charge per unit setting could not be performed without updating the price.
OA-38257 Maintenance task performance was slow.
OA-38357 Migration orders for Adobe subscriptions that were changed before the subscription migration could be stuck in the Obtain Subscription Parameters status.
BSS 21.15.254 (February 14, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38177 During one-time purchase, activation parameters filled in by a customer were not passed to PLM.
OA-38140 It was not possible to update prices in the existing subscription by passing special price as a discount percent.
BSS 21.15.250 (February 12, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38298 BSS did not pass estimated prices to Rating Engine on the Review Order screen when placing a change order for Adobe 3-year commit subscriptions.
BSS 21.15.249 (February 9, 2024)
This is a patch release.
OA-38225 The BSS database migration task could hang during the direct upgrade from platform versions 20.5 and 21.12 or earlier to version 21.15 if the upgrade to 21.14 version was skipped.
OA-38283 Payments were not created automatically and billing orders remained in the No payment method attached status after invoice creation for resellers with the CMP Unite Payment Plugin Token payment method configured.
BSS 21.15.246 (February 9, 2024)
PFR-6391 Now, you can create service plans for Adobe consumable products. The price for those products depends on the quantity in the order and in the subscription, but orders with such products cannot be prorated. Unused consumable products expire at the end of the subscription period.
Note: Adobe consumable products must not be offered in the same plan with Adobe licenses.
PFR-6463, PFR-6987 Support for Adobe 3-year commit was added: Now, a discounted price can be configured for when a user purchases a plan with a 3-year commit to a specific product quantity within a subscription. This price becomes fixed for three years and does not change until the commitment expires, unless a user later commits to a quantity that reaches a higher tier.
3-year commit is supported for both licenses and consumable products.
If 3-year commit prices are configured for a plan, this plan will be tagged 3-YEAR COMMIT and the discounted prices will be displayed at checkout and in a price tooltip. For resellers, 3-year commit costs and MSRP are also displayed.
When users purchase plans with a 3-year commitment, they need to apply for the commitment and specify the quantity to commit. The committed quantity can be a sum of different products in the same subscription. After the purchase, downsizing the subscription below the committed quantity will not be possible. Also, auto-renewal will be enabled for such subscriptions and can only be disabled during the last subscription period of the commitment; typically, during the 3rd year.
Important: Direct cancellation of a 3-year commit subscription is not possible. It must be first agreed on with the vendor. If you need to cancel such a subscription, contact your account manager, sales representative, or support.
When upsizing the subscription, a user can choose to commit to an increased product quantity. If the committed quantity reaches a higher tier, the price of that higher tier will be applied to the change order and at renewal for both consumable products and licenses.
After updating the commitment, the duration of the new commitment will be equal to the remainder of the previous one. For example, if you upsize your subscription and then commit to a new quantity 6 months after the subscription purchase, the duration of the new commitment will be 2.5 years.
At the end of 3rd year of the commitment, the customer is allowed to recommit for a new 3-year period. At that point, the customer is allowed to update the committed quantity to a lower tier. During re-commitment, prices effective on that date will be fixed for the following three years.
Learn more
For more information on how to configure service plans with Adobe consumable products and 3-year commitment, refer to this guide.
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
To enable Adobe 3-year commitment support, the following is required:
Adobe VIP Marketplace Connect Product version 60 or higher.
Product Connector
BSS 21.15.239 (January 25, 2024)
PFR-7113 The Billing control panel UI now supports the OSS View Customers Orders and Subscriptions: View privileges that control the Orders and Subscriptions sub-menu items visibility of the UX1 Customers navigation menu.
PFR-7045 The Billing control panel UI now supports the OSS Customer Accounts: Manage and Reseller Accounts: Manage privileges that allow staff members to modify customer and reseller accounts correspondingly as well as the Customer Accounts: Admin privilege that allows staff members to create customers.
OA-37912 Incorrect costs and prices could be used for the TCV calculation for change orders if the ApplyTime date was earlier than Tariff CreateDate.
OA-37676 The activateSubscription and setResourceTypeLimits parameters were sent together in a partial upgrade request using API.
OA-38053 The IsHuge option enabled for a plan could prevent the plan resource synchronization for the APS bus.
Important: This patch must be installed with OSS version 21.15.154 or later and UI and Branding 21.15.112 or later.
BSS 21.15.234 (January 12, 2024)
This release contains internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.15.233 (January 8, 2024)
PFR-6956 Now, it is possible to immediately apply the updated prices from service plans to subscriptions in the whole distribution chain, including resellers. If you need to make prices in subscriptions to service plans effective immediately, please contact support.
PFR-6755 Correction order's implementation was changed and starting with this BSS version, they will appear in the newly generated RDE reports. Previously created correction orders will not be reflected in RDE reports and already generated RDE reports will not be updated.
This functionality is enabled by default with the upgrade to 21.15.
PFR-6799 In addition to sales order placement, the list of scenarios supported by Price Manager was extended with the following:
Running daily billing process.
Change order placement.
Renewal order placement.
If the FEA_PriceManager billing feature was enabled before the upgrade to 21.15, this change will be activated automatically after the upgrade to version 21.15. Refer to this section for the instructions on how to enable or disable this feature.
OA-37582 When transferring part of the resources from one subscription to a new one (partial upgrade), activation parameters of the original subscription could be used for creating the new subscription.
OA-37548 An API request to get deals for a plan period could fail by timeout.
OA-37519 Size of the self-singed certificate encryption key used for internal communications was less than 2048 bits.
OA-37362 The base_item_migration.py script could fail because of invalid column mapping.
OA-36728 It was possible for a customer to place a provisioning order.
OA-35948 Opening terms and conditions could be canceled by timeout.
OA-32893 A provisioning order could not go further by the order flow if the subscription was first put on hold during provisioning and then released from hold.
OA-32688 When canceling an account, a cancellation order was placed for a subscription with a scheduled order.
OA-31156 After the account is transferred, the promotion that account was eligible for was no longer applied.
OA-30040 The Subscription Terminated notification could not be closed in UX1.
OA-25012 Sometimes a subscription could become disabled right after renewal during the daily billing process.
OA-23097 If there were different discount values defined for the same resource in different groups, the value was selected randomly when applied.
OSS 21.15
UI and Branding 21.15
Payment Management 21.15
Upgrade notes
If you are upgrading from BSS 21.13 or earlier, you must perform manual actions after the upgrade. Refer to this KB article for the instructions.
BSS 21.14.153 (December 11, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-36598 Duplicate records could be created in the SubscrFulfillmentParamHist table when placing a change order for a subscription using API.
OA-37164 Fulfillment parameters were not propagated to a subscription when placing a renewal order.
OA-37653 An incorrect order ID could be stored in the SubscrFilfillmentParamHistory table for VIBBE subscriptions.
BSS 21.14.151 (December 6, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37427 All resources and tariffs were synchronized with the service plan when placing a change order for a Cisco subscription.
OA-37618 Deals and margins were passed only for new resources when placing a change order for a Cisco subscription.
BSS 21.14.149 (December 6, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37579 Billing could ignore the hold period of a canceled subscription and destroy it right after cancellation.
BSS 21.14.148 (December 4, 2023)
PFR-6865 The new providerCosts=true parameter can now be passed with the /deals REST API to get IM costs in the API response.
OA-37513 Only VIBBE subscriptions must be stored in the SubscrFulfillmentParamHist table.
BSS 21.14.145 (November 21, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37157 System performance could degrade after the upgrade to 21.14 if the indexes were not created manually for the OrderLog table.
BSS 21.14.144 (November 20, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37249 The number of characters allowed for the SubscrFulfillmentParamHist.Datafrom parameter was increased.
BSS 21.14.142 (November 14, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-37231 A change order placed for a Cisco subscription could fail with the exception "Platform error #error_code #2006... Resource type #XXXXXXX does not exist."
OA-37232 Resource synchronization for subscriptions based on plans with the IsHuge setting turned on, must be restricted.
OA-36925 Resource limits were not passed when placing a one-time purchase order.
BSS 21.14.139 (November 7, 2023)
This is a patch release that includes internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.12.255 (November 6, 2023)
This is a patch release that includes internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.14.137 (November 2, 2023)
This is a patch release that includes internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.14.118 (October 24, 2023)
PFR-6951 As a continuation of the end of life procedure, starting with this release, all C++ based fraud screening plugins will be disabled. In one of the upcoming BSS versions they will be completely removed.
As a substitute for C++ fraud screening plugins, PHP fraud screening plugins can be developed using the PHP fraud screening SDK.
PFR-6805 Two new privileges were introduced to control visibility of the "Account" menu item and the "Payment Methods" menu sub-item - "UX1 Show Account Menu" and "UX1 Show Account Payment Methods Sub Menu". By default, these privileges are enabled in user roles where the privilege "UX1 Navigation Element Implicit Access" was enabled before the upgrade, thus preserving backward compatibility - users who had access to these menu items before the upgrade, keep the access.
PFR-6772 The system-wide behavior whether to replace Renewal (RN) order with a scheduled Change (CH) order, previously controlled by the system-wide feature FEA_UseScheduledOrderAsRenewal was made configurable via a new setting in service templates. Default value for this new setting is picked in accordance with FEA_UseScheduledOrderAsRenewal being enabled or disabled, thus preserving backward compatibility. We recommend to always have this setting enabled unless the alternative value is recommended for a specific cloud service.
PFR-6768 Some of the field types in the UsageDetail table of the BSS database were changed.
To ensure a smooth database update with minimum downtime, the Usage statistics information was archived for all orders. For orders with the Attach usage statistics option enabled before the upgrade, the Usage statistics information collected before the upgrade was moved to an archive table and it became inaccessible in the UI. It can be restored on demand. To do so, please contact your Technical Account Manager or the support team.
For orders created after the upgrade, Usage statistics will continue to be collected for service plans with the Attach usage statistics option enabled.
Note: If you have any integrations or processes that include queries to the BSS database, be sure to consider the field data type changes and the data move.
PFR-6620 Now, it is possible to migrate subscriptions ignoring cancellation and refund policies defined in the service plan. This only can be done using API and requires a special privilege: Application Order Management: Allow to use migration processing mode.
To ignore the policies during cancellation, a specific processing mode of the cancellation order must be specified:"processingMode": "MIGRATION"
. -
PFR-6557 Now, it is possible to assign SKUs to resources with commitment consumption type.
PFR-6522 Transactions of customers and resellers with reimbursement of taxes for full or partial refunds are calculated based on the tax rate used at the time that the service plan or resource was purchased. For example, if an order is placed and invoiced at a 7% tax rate in 2022 and then it is canceled in 2023, in the year when the tax rate has been increased from 7% to 8%, the automated credit note will be generated at a 7% tax rate.
This feature is disabled by default. For the instructions on how to enabled it and how to create an appropriate tax rule to use this feature, refer to this section.
PFR-6469 Now, when specifying special prices using API, the price value can be passed as a price discount percent. You can do this using the new price attributes:
. This only works when special prices are defined using thespecialPricing
structure, but notdealPrices
. -
PFR-4683 Some of the field data types in the OrderLog table of the BSS database were changed. Though this is an internal change that does not have any visible effect, it requires manual actions to be taken after the upgrade. Please refer to this KB article for the instructions.
PFR-511 Reseller synchronization has been improved as follows:
Synchronization performance improved, decreasing the overall synchronization time.
Resellers who have customized prices can now preserve their price configuration by disabling price synchronization with their parent account. Resellers can do this by themselves in Settings > Price synchronization in UX1, and providers and resellers can do this for their child accounts using the Disable price synchronization option when editing a reseller's account.
The Update Sales Categories, Plan Categories, and Grouping of Resources by Resource Categories synchronization option was split into two options: Update plan categories and grouping of resources by resource category and Sales categories. The Sales categories is now unavailable by default. If for some reason you need to enable it, please contact the support team for assistance.
PFR-6711 The highest Kubernetes version that you can use for CloudBlue Commerce is now 1.27.
OA-36260 You can now use Product Inventory to configure prices for composite resources that include multiple resources. Previously, such resources did not appear in Product Inventory.
OA-36560 A modal dialog had to wait for events such as submitPopup, _onHidePopup, cancelPopup, _cancelProcessing before closing.
OA-36543 Incorrect special pricing was applied to reseller transactions for orders with multiple products. An incorrect Special Pricing Promo ID was being assigned to the order's reseller transactions and was causing two issues: Incorrect subscription prices, and the IsApplicableToRenew flag got enabled for the subscription even when it was not selected (that caused the same price to be applied even on renewal).
OA-36244 Search headers were missing in the Usage Reports menu.
OA-36067 An infinite cycle was possible for reseller balance checking in statuses AD, CT, TW.
OA-35949 For a one-time fee purchase, the User ID instead of the Account ID was passed to the OSS.
OA-35582 If a cancel order was abandoned before it is completed, reseller transactions for that order stayed in "Provisioning" status.
OA-35574 If a Change Order for a resource was stuck at "Provisioning in progress" status, a new Change Order could be placed for the same resource which could lead to an error.
OA-35553 Subscriptions were not displayed in UX1.
OA-35550 Subscription History was not recalculated in the case of co-terming "Subscription Period Expiration".
OA-35542 A wrong regular expression was used to parse the multi-line BMResource name.
OA-35523 It was possible to create a half-created account via the Application Packaging Standard (APS).
OA-35283 Failed old tasks of package instance upgrades stopped OSS and BSS upgrade jobs.
OA-34701 It was possible to unmark the default customer class and keep the account without a default customer class.
OA-32794 Limits and the autorenewal flag were both passed to PLM on subscription change.
OA-32044 A correction order was created on order placement.
OA-31151 Event "Invoke Order Flow" failed on Payment orders created for fake payments.
OA-24984 Daily Billing Process (DBP) failed for the account if the real LastBillDate for the subscription was greater than the one calculated using the subscription BaseDate.
OA-18921 When a domain subscription was terminated, it may have been stuck in "Terminated - Running" status.
OSS 21.14
UI and Branding 21.14
Payment Management 21.14
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
To be able to use migration processing mode or set special prices as a discount percent to the current price, the following component is required:
Order Management 1.15
BSS 21.11.131 (October 20, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-36811 The sales order creation could fail with the error "CharArray error: requested size( 21) exceeds the array capacity(20)".
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.12.254 (October 4, 2023)
OA-36544 Special pricing could be applied incorrectly to reseller transactions for orders with multiple products.
OSS 21.12
UI and Branding 21.12
Payment Management 21.12
BSS 21.12.253 (September 26, 2023)
This patch release contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.12
UI and Branding 21.12
Payment Management 21.12
BSS 21.12.249 (September 19, 2023)
This release includes the following fix:
OA-36120 One-Time-Purchase orders must be processed with AccountID instead of UserID.
OSS 21.12
UI and Branding 21.12
Payment Management 21.12
BSS 21.11.130 (September 15, 2023)
This release includes the following improvement:
PFR-6522 Transactions of customers and resellers with reimbursement of taxes for full or partial refunds are calculated based on the tax rate used at the time that the service plan or resource was purchased. For example, if an order is placed and invoiced at a 7% tax rate in 2022 and then it is canceled in 2023, in the year when the tax rate has been increased from 7% to 8%, the automated credit note will be generated at a 7% tax rate.
For proper calculation, in the Billing control panel > System > Settings > Taxation > Taxes > Tax rule must be set with the following values:-
Calculate Type > Calculate Per Item
Apply on > Document Date (Default value)
The feature is disabled by default. To enable the feature, set the FEA_REFUND_WITH_ORIGINAL_TAX feature to IsActive=1 in the Features table of the PBA database. For instructions and more information about configuring tax settings, refer to this guide.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.129 (August 24, 2023)
This release includes the following improvement:
PFR-6852 REST API has been improved and now allows you to identify the reseller's context by specifying an account attribute for the reseller account in the APS-Actor-Scope header.
BSS 21.12.248 (August 17, 2023)
Note: This release supersedes the 21.12.247 release, which contained an upgrade issue (OA-35887) and is no longer available.
PFR-6094 When placing a migration order using API, it is now possible to specify that terms and conditions were accepted by the user outside of CloudBlue, specifying the date, the list of terms and conditions accepted, and the user who accepted the terms.
OA-35887 The upgrade of BSS to version 21.12 failed.
OA-18921 A domain subscription service could not be stopped if the domain is not in the Ready status.
OA-31063 New resource rate periods created in the original plan could not be synchronized to the delegated plans.
OA-33384 It was possible to switch a subscription to a plan with a different rating mode than in the original plan.
OA-34753 It was impossible to cancel a subscription with usage-based resources after switching it to a plan with a new resource.
OA-34781 When switching a subscription to another plan with mapped resources and a lower resource limit, the resource limit is becomes incorrect.
OA-34929 A downsize order could not be placed.
OA-35129 Sales order creation date was in a wrong time zone in UX1.
OA-35278 Partial upgrade and switch path settings for a plan were not propagated unless resellers were synchronized with the Update Plan Fees option.
OA-35389 Subscription start in migration orders was not validated by Order Management.
OA-34614 Provisioning orders in the Roll back scheduled changes (OC), Checking if order can be canceled (CC), Rollback is complete (OR) statuses could not be canceled.
OSS 21.12
UI and Branding 21.12
Payment Management 21.12
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
The ability to specify that terms and conditions are accepted outside of CloudBlue, the following component is required:
Order Management 1.13.620 or later.
BSS 21.11.128 (August 8, 2023)
This release brings internal improvements only.
BSS 21.11.126 (July 28, 2023)
This patch brings support for the features released with the other components:
The ability to adjust prices for products with the multi-resource volume pricing model during purchase, when changing a subscription or viewing its details.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
Price adjustment for products with multi-resource volume pricing model requires the following components:
BSS 21.11.126 or higher.
Order Management 1.13.620 or higher.
Rating Engine 1.24.3452 or higher.
UX1 Marketplace 7.2 or higher.
UX1 Subscription Management 5.5 or higher.
BSS 21.11.124 (July 13, 2023)
OA-35444 Special pricing was applied incorrectly to orders with multiple products.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.123 (June 28, 2023)
OA-35357 Creation of an order using API could take too long, lead to errors, and fail by timeout.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.121 (June 20, 2023)
This patch release contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.120 (June 16, 2023)
This patch release contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.119 (June 13, 2023)
This patch release contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.118 (June 9, 2023)
This patch release contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.11.117 (May 19, 2023)
OA-33817 Currency conversion precision was too low.
OA-33311 A scheduled change order could fail because billing time was ignored.
OA-28679 The system could skip sending of some scheduled notifications.
OA-34205 bulkRequestStatus could sometimes return an improperly-formatted XML response.
OA-34208 Billing terms could not be loaded for plans due to an incorrect endpoint_uri set for Price Management during OSS installation or upgrade.
OA-30100 The Cancel button was not translated on the Confirm release subscription pop-up window.
OA-34332 Special pricing was not applied to an order placed by a reseller marked as an Operating unit.
OA-34109 A skin version could not be deleted in the Classic control panel.
OA-34300 A misleading version of the Audit Trail application appeared in the CloudBlue Store.
OSS 21.11
UI and Branding 21.11
Payment Management 21.11
BSS 21.10.207 (May 19, 2023)
OA-34913 Costs for subscriptions with NCE promotions could be calculated incorrectly.
OA-34917 Reseller synchronization performance significantly decreased.
BSS 21.10.206 (May 12, 2023)
This is a patch release that contains internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.10.204 (May 04, 2023)
This release includes the following improvement:
OA-34637 Custom account attributes can now be passed to Payment SDK.
BSS 21.10.203 (May 04, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issue is fixed:
OA-34450 The switch from Operations to Billing did not work after upgrade to CloudBlue Commerce version 21.10.
BSS 21.10.202 (April 27, 2023)
PFR-6564 Sales category synchronization performance was improved, which helps to significantly increase reseller synchronization speed.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.10.190 (April 18, 2023)
This is a patch release that contains internal improvements only.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.10.188 (April 12, 2023)
PFR-6394 After the upgrade to this release, the FEA_UseScheduledOrderAsRenewal billing feature will be enabled by default, meaning that if there is a change order scheduled for subscription renewal, it will replace the renewal order and all charges will be processed within a single order. If you want to keep the old behavior, you need to turn off this feature using these instructions; however, it is recommended that you keep the feature enabled.
PFR-4831 The non-rated quantity-only usage data ('Quantity' or 'QT') rating model is now supported for new subscriptions to plans managed by PLM. Additionally, usage records in the Closed status are now ignored during usage calculation and will be displayed as Ignored.
PFR-6289 The date range format in the order detail description in billing orders generated by classic billing was updated to unify the date range format in all order details.
The new format is YYYY-MM-DD. This change is not enabled by default. To enable it, turn on the
billing feature as described in this section.
OA-31750 Recurring fees from original plans were propagated to a delegated plan instead of MSRP recurring fees.
OA-32199 Invoice or order dates in UX1 and Classic panels could differ.
OA-32935 It was possible to create an annual service plan with calendar billing enabled.
OA-31063 Newly created resource rate periods were not propagated to lower levels during reseller synchronization with the resource price update disabled.
OA-29722 It was possible to delete a service plan managed by PLM in the classic billing panel.
OA-33669 The discount assigned to an account by its original reseller was not revoked after the account was transferred to another reseller.
OA-31238 A confusing error message was displayed when trying to impersonate a disabled customer account.
OA-33157 Provisioning orders in the Activation Scheduled (AS) status could not be canceled after the upgrade to 21.9.
OA-30772 Some application screens could appear as non-localized because the locale configuration was not passed to the application.
OA-23839 The Measurable flag could unexpectedly change for a resource when upgrading its limits, preventing the upgrade from completing.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.9.262 (April 19, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issue is fixed:
OA-34285 Special pricing was not applied if multiple products were purchased at once.
BSS 21.9.258 (March 20, 2023)
This is a patch release.
PFR-6512 Now, Microsoft NCE promotions are re-applied to eligible subscriptions on their renewal till the promotion end date obtained from Microsoft.
To turn this functionality on, enable the
feature. For the instructions, refer to this section.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.9.257 (March 14, 2023)
This is a patch release that contains internal component improvements only.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.9.256 (March 10, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33651 Resellers who have Calendar Billing enabled can check its settings in UX1, under Settings > Calendar Billing.
Important: Dependencies were updated for this BSS version. Now it requires UI and Branding 21.9.187 or higher.
OSS 21.10
UI and Branding 21.10
Payment Management 21.10
BSS 21.9.254 (March 7, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issues are fixed:
OA-33726 Incorrect prices were displayed in the subscription details screen in UX1 for products with volume pricing.
OA-33682 Co-terming options were not copied to delegated service plans.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.246 (February 27, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issue is fixed:
OA-33405 Switching the billing period for a subscription and at the same time co-terming the subscription to another one could result in incorrect calculation of the expiration date.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.245 (February 23, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issue is fixed:
OA- 33520 Changing account billing contact information in a classic panel could fail with the Access Denied error.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.238 (February 9, 2023)
This is a patch release.
The following issue is fixed:
OA-33250 A scheduled change order with an incorrect total of 0 could be placed for a plan upgrade.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.237 (February 8, 2023)
This release includes the following improvement:
PFR-6320 To reimburse taxes on refunds, a calculation is made based on the tax rate used at the time that the service plan or resource was purchased.
For example, if an order is placed and invoiced at a 7% tax rate in 2022 and then it is canceled in 2023, in the year when the tax rate has been increased from 7% to 8%, the automated credit note will be generated at a 7% tax rate.
Note: The feature is disabled by default. To enable the feature, set the FEA_REFUND_WITH_ORIGINAL_TAX feature to IsActive=1 in the Features table of the PBA database.
The following issue was fixed:
OA-33424 Tax refund was not calculated using the original tax rate if the rate changed.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.236 (February 7, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33433 There were inaccurate UI texts in the classic billing panel.
OA-33178 Customer account cancellation failed with an error.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.235 (February 3, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33140 Cancellation orders placed by resellers using the French locale could get stuck in the Approval Request Submission Failed status.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.234 (February 1, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-32802 An incorrect prorated order fee could be displayed in UX1 for resellers with calendar billing enabled.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.233 (January 23, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-33098 After a scheduled change order was completed, the NCE subscription expiration date could be set to one day earlier.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
BSS 21.9.232 (January 13, 2023)
PFR-5830 Co-terming New Subscriptions on Purchase
Now, newly purchased subscriptions can be co-termed, allowing you to align their expiration dates and billing periods to another subscription or to the end of the calendar month. This can be useful for managing multiple subscriptions from the same vendor at once and help optimize accounting efforts. Learn more about this feature in this guide.
PFR-5901 Co-terming of Existing Subscriptions
Existing subscriptions can now be co-termed so that their expiration dates and billing periods are aligned to another subscription or to the end of the calendar month. This ability is disabled by default and needs to be enabled system-wide. For instructions and more information about the feature, refer to this guide.
Additionally, billing of scheduled changes can now be improved by enabling the FEA_UseScheduledOrderAsRenewal BSS feature. This feature makes a scheduled change order to replace the renewal order and the customer is billed both for the changes and renewal within a single order. This helps avoid splitting charges between several orders. For the instructions, refer to this section.
PFR-4986 Calendar Billing
With calendar billing, you can allow your resellers to choose the day of the month to which to align billing of subscriptions. This feature is enabled and configured per reseller account and affects subscriptions of direct and indirect customers. Learn more about this feature in this guide.
Known issues
OA-32935 Plan eligibility for calendar billing is not validated. Refer to the requirements and limitations of this feature to learn for which plans you can enable calendar billing.
RE-2590 Transfer of a customer account from a reseller with calendar billing enabled to a reseller without it enabled can result in incorrect billing of that customer.
OA-32802 If a reseller has calendar billing enabled, unit prices can be displayed incorrectly in UX1 Marketplace for their customers.
OA-32006 Sometimes cancellation order processing failed and the order could not be processed.
OA-30936 Order archiving could fail because of a database error.
OA-27776 When a sales order was removed, some redundant information related to that order remained in the BSS database, which could prevent resource deletion.
OA-32339 It was possible to place an order scheduled for subscription renewal without enabling the auto-renewal option.
OA-30729 Unused event handlers could cause database inconsistencies.
OA-30172 Certain orders could not be archived.
OSS 21.9
UI and Branding 21.9
Payment Management 21.9
Other microservices required for specific scenarios
Co-terming features require the following components:
Rating Engine 1.17.3309 or later.
Order Management 1.9.562 or later.
PLM 1.7.432 or later.
UX1 Subscription Management 5.1.1504 or later.
SimpleAPI 1.10 or later.
Calendar billing feature requires the following components:
Rating Engine 1.17.3309 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.0.1496 or later.
PLM 1.7.432 or later.
Order Management 1.9.562 or later.
UX1 Marketplace 7.0.1496 or later.
BSS 21.8.408 (January 9, 2023)
This is a patch release.
OA-32865 A scheduled change order could include an incorrect 1-day refund detail.
BSS 21.8.407 (December 29, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-32468 A change in the number of additional units was ignored when switching a plan and upsizing or downsizing a subscription based on a plan with an upgrade path and resource mapping configured.
BSS 21.8.406 (December 23, 2022)
This is a patch release.
This release makes it possible to postpone charging customers for the changes scheduled for renewal until these changes are provisioned. Previously, customers were charged for such changes right after the change order was placed. This behavior remains as the default and can only be changed system-wide. To charge customers for scheduled changes after provisioning, enable the FEA_ScheduledOrdersPostPaid BSS feature. For the instructions, refer to this section.
BSS 21.8.405 (December 21, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-32363 Transfer of an account to a reseller with different account currency could be completed incorrectly.
BSS 21.8.404 (November 30, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-32229 Changing a subscription could fail on the fulfillment system side because the subscription autorenewal status was sent within any change request for some of the subscriptions.
BSS 21.8.402 (November 28, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-32078 Different exchange rates were used for refund and refund adjustments.
OA-32193 After the upgrade to 21.8, renewal orders were generated for subscriptions on hold.
OA-31963 Billing dates of migrated subscriptions could unexpectedly change.
OA-32210 Sometimes the Report Billing task failed during the upgrade of BSS.
BSS 21.8.399 (October 27, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-31934 Locales failed to upgrade with the upgrade of BSS to version 21.8.
BSS 21.8.398 (October 20, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-31767 Product inventory cannot process price list files.
BSS 21.8.397 (September 27, 2022)
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
Now, a customer can choose whether the following customer subscription adjustments through UX1 for Customers will be applied immediately or during subscription auto-renewal:
Changing resource limits,
Switching to another subscription period,
Switching to another service plan.
Tip: This change can be useful when managing NCE subscriptions.
Providers can manage availability of this feature per service plan setting the AllowScheduledChanges parameter to true in the ServicePlan section of the configuration file.
Known Limitations
This feature is only available for plans managed by PLM.
Customers will be charged for such orders even if the changes are applied later. This limitation is removed in BSS 21.8.406: starting with that version, you can configure to charge for such changes after they are provisioned.
Important: This feature requires the specified or higher versions of the following components:
- Product Lifecycle Management 1.5
- Order Management 1.8 -
Now, a provider or a higher-level reseller can restrict payment methods for reseller automatic payments.
With this release, when switching a subscription to another service plans in UX1, the amounts for mapped resources are processed correctly.
Now, if you cancel a failed changed order for a subscription to a plan managed by PLM, that subscription returns to the same state in OSS that it was in before the change order was placed.
The following issues were fixed:
OA-24804 Sometimes there were duplicate indexes in the BSS database.
OA-24971 A request for a Churn Rate report for Customers resulted in an error.
OA-25891 The Plan indexer periodic task could fail with the message: Error processing ApsDisplayPlan for Vendor.
OA-27925 A request to
could fail if called for the subscription whose owner account had been transferred to another reseller. -
OA-28759 In rare cases the second change order for a subscription could fail with the message: Transition validation failed.
OA-28819 Transferring an account to another reseller could fail if that account owned a subscription that failed to shift to Rating Engine.
OA-29099 Technical billing orders were displayed in the list of orders.
OA-29145 After upgrade to BSS 21.6, cancellation orders could get stuck in the "Long running operation" or "Provisioning in progress" statuses.
OA-29184 Sales and change orders could complete despite failed related provisioning orders.
OA-29223 Misleading domain registration notifications were sent to customers.
OA-29251 A correction order could be created without a link to the subscription.
OA-29360 Sometimes a service could have an incorrect description in UX1.
OA-29695 The decrease resource button could be clickable in UX1 even when downsize was restricted.
OA-29795 Cancellation of a provisioning order did not delete the respective detail from the parent order. As a result, the customer or reseller was billed for the canceled order item.
OA-29835 SKU for resource overuse could be missing in the cancellation order detail.
OA-29862 CloudBlue Store indicated that the Payment Management application had available upgrades even if its latest version was installed.
OA-29963 When an order for several plans was placed, special pricing only applied to one subscription.
OA-30089 Subscriptions created with a migration order could be canceled outside their cancellation windows.
OA-30159 Automatic corrections were not added in reseller billing orders.
OA-30275 A customer was able to purchase a subscription without accepting terms and conditions.
OA-30456 Downsize after upsize was sometimes not allowed even if the "Not Allowed Except For After Upsize" policy was configured.
OA-30466 After clicking the Manage Limits button for a Connect-based subscription, the screen hung.
OA-30947 Prices for a product item could not be updated if there was another product item with the same MPN.
OA-31031 In some cases, Microsoft 365 licenses could not be updated.
OA-31143 Resubmitting an order could produce an error with the message: canceling statement due to statement timeout.
To upgrade BSS, with Approval Engine component installed:
Approval Engine to version 2.4 or higher.
New features in this BSS release require the following component versions or higher:
Product Lifecycle Management 1.5
Order Management 1.8
Rating Engine 1.14
UX1 Subscription Management 4.7
UX1 Marketplace 6.7
BSS 21.7.277 (September 19, 2022)
This is a patch release.
This release includes internal component improvements only.
BSS 21.7.276 (September 9, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-30568 Upgrade of a Connect product could not be performed from UX1 with New Experience enabled.
OA-30436, OA-30435 Plans names and descriptions in Hebrew, Slovenian or Serbian languages were not displayed in UX1.
BSS 21.7.275 (August 26, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-31000 After the upgrade to version 21.7, an error could occur on attempt to manage Microsoft 365 licenses in UX1.
As of this version, PostgreSQL 13 can now be used for the database of this component.
BSS 21.7.264 (August 9, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-29986 Subscriptions created with a migration order could be canceled outside their cancellation windows.
BSS 21.7.262 (July 29, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-30353 After clicking the Manage Limits button for a Connect-based subscription, the screen hung.
OA-30442 Downsize after upsize could not be allowed even if the "Not Allowed Except For After Upsize" policy was configured.
BSS 21.7.258 (July 18, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-30289 A link to a subscription was missing in a correction order.
BSS 21.7.257 (July 11, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-30239 Automatic corrections were not added in reseller billing orders.
OA-30150 Sales currency could be incorrectly set for subscriptions with tier pricing.
OA-30156 Technical billing orders were displayed in the list of orders.
BSS 21.7.253 (July 1, 2022)
This is a patch release.
This patch adds support for Kubernetes version 1.22 to BSS.
BSS 21.7.251 (June 27, 2022)
This is a patch release.
OA-29793 Cancellation of a provisioning order did not delete the respective detail from the parent order. As a result, the customer or reseller was billed for the canceled order item.
BSS 21.7.250
This release adds the following changes:
Support for multi-currency in CloudBlue Commerce:
Added the ability to specify the sales currency for a service plan.
Extended invoices to include information about prices in a sales currency if specified.
Added support for mass switching of existing subscriptions to service plans with prices set in a sales currency.
CloudBlue Commerce now supports an NCE-specific downsize policy for cases when resource downsizing happens during a defined period after upsizing. With the help of Product Lifecycle Management, it is now possible to specify a new downsize policy. With this new policy, when the initial period of allowed downsizing after the purchase or renewal is passed, CloudBlue Commerce will prohibit resource downsizing, except for a defined period after upsizing. This period is defined by the vendor.
More flexibility in filter configuration in approval workflows. You can now filter orders to be sent for approval using the following criteria:
Note: This feature requires Approval Engine 2.3.1309 or higher to be installed.
The order type.
A particular billing resource included in the order.
Whether the order is connected to a service plan that is based on a specified BSS service template.
Whether the order is for a subscription with a specified plan period.
This release contains an important change of the system behavior: the Bill for Subscriptions that are on hold functionality of Credit Terms has been discontinued. Previously, it was possible to choose to enable or disable billing for subscriptions that are on hold.
As of this release, the Bill for Subscriptions that are on hold setting is removed from Credit Terms. This means that the setting is always enabled and the system issues invoices on billing dates to all customers and resellers for all their subscriptions including those that are currently on hold.
Note: The system behavior will be changed only for subscriptions that are active during the upgrade. That is, billing will not be stopped for these subscriptions after they go on hold. However, if a subscription with the disabled Bill for Subscriptions that are on hold setting was on hold during the upgrade, it still will not be billed until it will be activated. After its activation, the Bill for Subscriptions that are on hold setting will become enabled for it, and it will be billed the next time it goes on hold.
If this new BSS behavior does not suit your business needs, contact your TAM, Product management, or Support team before the upgrade.
Now, order and document dates in UX1 for Customers are displayed independently of the browser time zone.
The functionality of changing the next billing date that existed in CloudBlue Commerce before version 21 is now restored.
This release also includes the following fixes:
OA-29419 The subscription list in UX1 could display an incorrect service description.
OA-28987 Provisioning of a new reseller account could fail.
OA-28964 Multiple top-up balance payments could be created for the same reseller in the same day during the daily billing process.
OA-28571 Upgrading CloudBlue Commerce from version 20.5 to 21.0 could fail.
OA-28236 Invoices automatically generated to PDF were in the wrong format.
OA-28004 Cloning of an existing service plan took too long.
OA-23033 Deactivation of a service template with a large number of service plans could fail.
OA-20443 When correcting reseller transactions, an error could occur.
BSS 21.6.131
This is a patch release.
OA-29793 Cancellation of a provisioning order did not delete the respective detail from the parent order. As a result, the customer or reseller was billed for the canceled order item.
BSS 21.6.130
This is a patch release.
OA-29604 Transferring a subscription between reseller accounts failed if there was an unsuccessful attempt to shift that subscription to Rating Engine.
OA-29774 A resubmitted change order could be completed successfully even if the related provisioning order had failed.
BSS 21.6.128
This is a patch release.
OA-29021 Some orders that failed to be provisioned in an external system could not be canceled.
BSS 21.6.127
This is a patch release.
This patch adds the ability to control the visibility of the Customers menu item in UX1 and its child items with the Implicit Access privilege.
BSS 21.6.126
This is a patch release.
This patch adds support for upcoming improvements in Product Inventory and PLM.
BSS 21.6.124
This is a patch release.
This release adds the Portfolio menu item in UX1. Under this menu you can:
Check the list of products that the account sells.
- Export all portfolio or only products of a specific vendor
- Update product prices
- View changes in prices per product.
- See how costs of the products changed over time.
BSS 21.6.124
This is a patch release.
OA-28327 During the upgrade to BSS 21.6, custom order flows could not be properly updated.
BSS 21.6.121
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
Now, after an order is placed, the actual provisioning date and time reported by a vendor can be passed to Billing to align subscription start date and time between CloudBlue Commerce and the vendor, enabling strict adherence to the policies of the vendor and as a result more accurate cost and revenue calculations. To support this, a new order type, Provisioning, has been added. This order type can be used to track provisioning progress per plan: if a sales order includes several service plans, a separate provisioning order will be created for each plan. This change is effective also if sales orders include multiple service plans, which extends the support for Microsoft NCE.
Note: This improvement works only for service plans that use Rating Engine.
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-27930 Reseller transactions could not be removed during order cancellation.
OA-26601 It was possible to create an unsupported resource dependency when a PEMGATE resource required a resource without a service gate.
OA-26724 During a service plan delegation, an incorrect auto-renewal plan period was set for the child plan.
OA-26734 An incorrect plan period could be set for order items during automatic renewal.
OA-27098 If a payment method was configured as the default for a customer or automatic payments were enabled, the respective settings were displayed incorrectly in the UI.
OA-27377 The fulfillment date of a transfer order was not passed to Rating Engine and the order creation date was used instead when generating charges.
OA-27483 In some cases, subscriptions to PLM plans could not be synchronized.
OA-27546 The NCE promotion discount percent was parsed incorrectly in the DE locale.
OA-27965 Activation date validation could fail even if the date was specified correctly.
OA-27967 Cancellation and downsize policies could reset if PLM plans were re-imported.
OA-27658 Calculating plan prices with applied promotions could take significant time.
BSS 21.5.556
This is a patch release.
OA-27983 Cancellation and downsizing policies did not work after reimport of the Excel file with PLM plans.
BSS 21.5.553
This is a patch release.
OA-27818 A Billing Order did not display subscription attributes.
OA-27804 Total Contract Value was recalculated unnecessarily. This was caused by a redundant update made to subscription information when updating payment method details.
BSS 21.5.547
This is a patch release.
Improved performance of reseller synchronization during PLM configuration import.
OA-27488 If a customer with consolidated invoices enabled used a credit card to purchase their first sales order, a consolidated invoice was not created.
BSS 21.5.543
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The following contacts were added to notification template placeholders: Domain Billing Contact Name, Domain Billing Contact Email, Domain Tech Contact Name, and Domain Tech Contact Email.
Support for cancellation of cancellation orders that were failed during provisioning. Providers who configure the Microsoft 365 NCE portfolio will benefit from this feature as it allows them to mirror vendor rules.
The ability to change system-wide applicability of promotions for Microsoft 365 NCE service plans to end customers. By default, such promotions will remain applicable to end customers unless the NCE_APPLY_PROMO_TO_END_CUSTOMER parameter is set to False in the GlobalConf table in BSS.
Multi-currency support for FSE.
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-25757 Terminated subscriptions with last billing date in the past failed to synchronize with the service plan.
OA-18707 Estimation requests could fail if the reason code is renamed.
OA-26670 For a subscription with a custom statement day an incorrect next billing date value could be stored on the APS bus.
OA-25114 Payment made using available credit in UX1 was not processed.
OA-26137 Uploading a file with prices using Product Inventory could fail.
OA-26625 The DocData payment tool is not available in classic panels.
OA-26631 The BankSlips payment tool stopped working after the upgrade to version 21.3.
OA-26667 Unable to add a World Pay credit card.
OA-26782 When a payment was created using IM DocData, no response from the gate was stored for the transaction.
OA-26771 When uploading a a file to product inventory an error could occur.
OA-26833 A sales order could stall in the Obtain Subscription Parameters status if there was a non-string activation parameter in the subscription.
OA-26862 Excel file import in PLM could fail due to long execution of the applyConfig task.
OA-26863 Excel file import in PLM could fail due to long execution of the selfManage task.
OA-26869 Sending emails from BSS using remote SMTP services failed.
OA-26888 Some commas could be omitted in brand's banner texts.
OA-27183 When an order with special pricing was placed, an incorrect cost value could be used.
OA-27269 Product Inventory could not export catalog if there was any unpublished service plan.
OA-27294 Customer's billing orders could stuck in the Waiting for Payment status, despite the default payment method was enabled for all customers.
This BSS version has minimum version requirements for these components:
BSS 21.4.382
This is a patch release.
OA-27501 Discounts were incorrectly calculated if there was more than one product in the cart.
OA-27567 Total price value was sometimes incorrectly calculated for DE locale for PLM products.
BSS 21.4.376
This is a patch release.
OA-27353 A customer's billing order was stuck in the Waiting for payment status.
BSS 21.4.375
This release brings the following changes and improvements for the price management tool (Product Inventory):
Rules for support for a product with several subscription periods (this requires different prices for this product) have been updated:
Previous behavior: Product Inventory created resource rate periods (RRP) for each subscription period in a plan.
Updated behavior: Product Inventory does not create an RRP and works only with the existing RRP in a plan. If different prices for different subscription periods are required, an RRP must be created in advance. If there are several RRPs for a resource rate, Product Inventory updates prices both in RRPs and in the resource rate. The price for the resource rate is taken from an RRP with the longest subscription period.
BSS 21.4.374
This is a patch release.
OA-27186 Incorrect cost values were used for orders with NCE promotions.
OA-27089 For a subscription with a custom statement day, the subscription's APS resource had the wrong Next Billing Date.
BSS 21.4.368
This is a patch release.
OA-26783 The scheduler failed when making a payment based on the DocData plugin.
OA-26839 SO got stuck in the Obtain Subscription Parameters status with the Communication Failure error.
OA-26830 An error occurred during file upload in Product Inventory.
OA-26867 The applyConfig task failed by timeout.
OA-26883 The "Execute operation /delegate" task failed with the error "500 Internal Server Error".
OA-26884 BSS did not send notifications using remote SMTP services.
BSS 21.4.360
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
Support for new policies for subscription cancellation and resource downsizing, including Office NCE subscriptions. Configuration of new policies can be performed only through Product Lifecycle Management.
Support for Microsoft-specific promotions for Microsoft 365 NCE plans.
If open invoice correction is performed with a credit memo, negative amounts are now sent to a taxation service. This allows taxation modules to identify the document's credit type.
Now, the Reseller Invoice Notification template can include the Order Number and PO Number.
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-26739 The Product Inventory got stuck when uploading the cost and price list.
OA-26671 It was not possible to add a credit card through UX1 after upgrade to 21.3.
OA-26632 The Dummy payment gateway was not automatically replaced with the Demo payment gateway after upgrade.
OA-26523 The Invoke Order Flow task sometimes failed.
OA-26121 Vertex failed to calculate taxes for invoices with many details.
OA-25556 It was impossible to resubmit a transaction by clicking the Charge Credit Card button in the Billing PCP.
OA-25554 The billing dates for BBP or ABP subscriptions with non-month billing periods were incorrectly aligned.
OA-25386 The Management by Reseller checkbox was not selected by default for service templates for delegation in PCM.
OA-25334 The order of displaying invoice lines in the classic panel and the PDF file sometimes differed.
OA-25029 The Reseller Transaction Correction wizard failed if no payment method supported a standalone refund.
OA-24680 An end customer could not open invoices in CCPv1.
OA-24579 A billing order could get stuck in the HF status.
OA-22955 The automatic payment skipped due to an old document in the Hold status.
OA-21653 The name position sometimes displayed inverted in UX1.
OA-20688 TaxEDate was not calculated for PAYG transactions created with usage files.
OA-4494 A promo code value was removed from a subscription after the subscription transfer.
BSS 21.3.10122
This is a patch release.
OA-26627 New DocData payment tools could not be activated.
BSS 21.3.10120
This is a patch release.
OA-26380 A payment request that submitted and processed in WorldPay was failed in CloudBlue Commerce.
BSS 21.3.10117
This release brings the following improvements for the price management tool (Product Inventory):
Now it is possible to set different prices for a product depending on:
Subscription period,
Service template in which a product is included.
BSS 21.3.10111
This release brings the following changes:
Support for the Product Lifecycle Management component was added.
The following issue was fixed: OA-25876 When auto-filling addresses using Google Places, the zip code could be filled incorrectly.
BSS 21.3
This release brings the following changes and improvements:
The password changing policy in UX1 has been updated. Now, when changing a password in UX1 for themselves, a user must provide the old password as well as the new one. If a password is reset for a staff member, a reset link is sent to the staff member.
A custom PDF conversion tool configuration has been adapted for CloudBlue Commerce version 21. For additional information, refer to this KB article.
This component is now based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI). These are lightweight and more secure operating system images as they contain a minimal set of software packages.
New Rest API account management operations have been added:
Put On Administrative Hold and Release From Administrative Hold
Cancel Accounts.
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-25112 Identifiers were added to Vertex calls.
OA-23137 An order resubmitted for failed provisioning was stuck if the order flow was modified. The pre-check script for the RB status splitting has been improved.
OA-22756 Failed tasks were not displayed for the OrderNotification event handler.
OA-22699 Non-published plans were displayed in UX1 as available for switching.
OA-9146 A payment order remained in the Charging CC fraud check status.
OA-24696 MSRP price was not displayed in SKU settings.
OA-24513 REST API operations failed if the Name field for a State / Province setting was empty.
OA-22866 When using the @@Subscription_ExpirationDate@ placeholder in a notification template, a subscription expiration date was displayed as N/A.
OA-24133 Payment SDK used outdated components.
OA-24313 A consolidated credit memo did not close orders with a positive total.
OA-24324 Import product changes to PCM caused a lack of memory.
OA-23803 It was possible to pay an order by a restricted payment method in UX1.
OA-21986 A customer's phone number was not updated correctly through the APS bus.
BSS 21.2.10072
This release brings internal fixes.
OA-25790 After choosing a template during a Confsync import, an error occurred.
BSS 21.2.10054
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-25435 Billing dates alignment worked incorrectly for ABP subscriptions.
OA-25647 A promo code value was removed from a subscription after the subscription transfer.
OA-25754 A billing order could get stuck in the HF status.
OA-25513 The "Report billing data" task failed causing a lack of memory.
OA-25678 An error occurred when clicking Charge Credit Card on a payment document.
BSS 21.2.10043
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-25583 Subscription cancellation could fail.
OA-25548 The resource mapping step of the configuration import took too long due to screen performance.
BSS 21.2.2760
This release includes the following fixes:
OA-24669 Reseller VAT IDs and BCNs are now supported in the Vertex module.
OA-24353 PEMGATE was not accessible for BSS, which led to orders getting stuck in the "Obtain Subscription Parameters" status.
BSS 21.2.2745
This release includes the following fix:
OA-24554 On some installations, resellers could not list product catalog content using API or view it in the UI.
BSS 21.2.2736
This release includes internal improvements and fixes.
The following was added:
- Support for improvements in Shift to Rating Engine feature: the ability to dry run or shift filtered service plans.
The following issue was fixed:
- OA-24182 After migration from VRDM to Usage Collector, PONumber extraction could fail.
BSS 21.2.2712
This is the first release of the BSS component, which is a product of the CloudBlue Commerce platform evolution. It is the successor to the Billing Application Node and ensures most of its functionality. This release brings the following changes and improvements:
To streamline the reseller onboarding process and reduce the number of configuration steps, it is now possible to specify the template for the reseller Customer Class. Using this template, you can, for example, select the Generate Billing Order per Subscription option for customers of all new resellers.
Now, a provider can transfer a customer account to another reseller who uses a currency that differs from the original reseller's.
In addition to the sales order type, the
property can now be specified when creating a change, renewal, or a cancellation order using CloudBlue Commerce API. Values of the attributes with the Propagate to Subscription option set to Yes will be updated on the subscription. -
To simplify reconciliation, stock keeping, and reporting, providers now can use automatically assigned unique Product IDs for Billing resources they sell. Product IDs compensate for the deficiencies of MPNs, which may not be unique per resource or may be missing for some resources.
Providers who have several CloudBlue Commerce installations now can ensure that product catalog resources they sell have the same automatically assigned Product IDs on all their installations. This is done with the help of the Product Configuration Manager's export-import functionality, which now supports Product ID synchronization.
During Product ID synchronization, all resources are synchronized, including resources automatically installed during the deployment of respective APS applications. -
You can now change the log level of this component at runtime. To learn more, please refer to Managing the Log Level of a Component.